Sunday 27 February 2022


I don't see the point of AFPAC, the America First Political Action Committee conference that was set up to "rival" CPAC.

Sure, CPAC is a joke with its transgender and woke "conservatism," but AFPAC is just as 'cringe' in a slightly less gay way (the gayness is mainly in the closet). 

One thing is clear, however, both CPAC and AFPAC are devoid of ideas and analysis of what's wrong with America and how to fix it.

This was confirmed at AFPAC by the speech of America First leader Nick Fuentes, who gave possibly the most boring speech of his life before a small crowd of followers who were drilled to gush all over everything he said and applaud wildly between sentences, but even had difficulty doing that.  

The problem with the speech was not Nick's speaking style, as he is one of the most skilled communicators in America. Also great care had been taken to build him up with good production values. The real problem was that he had nothing of substance or serious merit to say. 

The entire speech was just guff about how AF is "going to win" because "Christ is King" and "God is on our side" and similar, frankly retarded rhetoric. 

Fuentes strikes me as someone who just LARPs as a Christian rather than sincerely believes it. He clearly sees his "Christian identity" as a convenient cover for his lack of interest in girls and as a clever way to send out anti-Jewish signals without picking up too much flak -- although he seems to have been unsuccessful in this.

The Alt-Right, when it started out -- and before it was subverted by Jew-obsessed Nazis, Feds, and their useful idiots -- was a movement full to the brim with exciting and challenging ideas.

Compared to this, America First is an ideological desert, with a leadership devoid of ideas, which is why the catchphrase is "Trust the Plan" not "Understand the Ideas." Even worse, a certified "shit magnet" Baked Alaska, is regarded as one of the movement's "towering geniuses." 

AF is all style and no substance, and doesn't stand for anything, so there is a natural suspicion that it is just there as a means to market to and manipulate the young White alienated voter base, probably for a boomertard Republican candidate sometime in the future.

The other possibility is that AF is just there to stir up divisions in America, backed by people who definitely don't believe in America being first. 

Anyway, make up your own mind by listening to Nicky's speech and playing a game of "spot the content." The first person to spot an actual idea in the speech wins a Groyper, whatever that is.

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