Saturday 26 February 2022


Man's inhumanity to man
The Western-led opposition to Vladimir Putin's invasion of the Ukraine has apparently committed its first "war crime" of the struggle by shutting down access to the porn site PornHub in Russia.

Russian visitors to the site, instead of a menu of their favourite rumble videos will now see an image of the Ukrainian flag along with a message of support for the Ukriane.

This has deprived millions of Russians of their only solace in their dull, brutal, featureless existences. But it is also a major blow to the Russian economy, as almost 50% of the porno stars on the platform are coked-up Russian whores called Svetlana who will do anything, even donkey sex, for the next line of coke.

It is thought that shutting down the major 'chicken choking' service will be even more effective than kicking Russia off the SWIFT banking payments system, another serious sanction that is being considered against the Putin regime. Experts believe that Russia will be forced to mass print old copies of "Razzle" and "Asian Wives" in order to make up the deficit of on-line grot.

Human rights organisations are, however, deeply concerned that depriving Russian citizens of their regular bleary-eyed 'hand shandies' will cause untold suffering and lead to Russia reverting back to a Mongol-devastated forest wasteland covered in radio-active pollution.

Typical Russian Pornhub user in his darkened "wank cave"

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