Thursday 18 February 2021


Facebook Fuhrer Mark Zuckerburg is believed 
by many to be inspired by Adolf Hitler

The Fascist totalitarian "Giant Tech" empire of Facebook has declared a "total crushing war" of "final annihilation" against the innocent, peace-loving democracy of Australia.

As reported by Normie Media

"Facebook has blocked Australian users from sharing or viewing news content on the platform, causing much alarm over public access to key information...Australians on Thursday woke up to find that Facebook pages of all local and global news sites were unavailable.

Several government health and emergency pages were also blocked - something Facebook later asserted was a mistake. Those outside of the country are also unable to read or access any Australian news publications on the platform."

This sudden, brutal, and unprovoked attack on the sleepy nation of 25 million was ordered by Facebook Fuhrer Mark Zuckerburg from an underground bunker in Menlo Park, California, after collusion with his Chinese "handler"Priscilla Chan and checking his astrological charts. 

The "War" will mean that millions of Australians from Perth to Sydney and from Darwin to Tasmania will now have to think of something interesting to post on their Facebook pages, without going straight to a convenient news link. 

In recent days, Australia, in a pathetic attempt to maintain its national independence, had politely asked Facebook to stop stealing news content from all Aussie news channels. This has now led to a brutal, algorithm-driven war between the Social Media Behemoth and the humble nation of sheep farmers and crocodile hunters, many of whom think an algorithm is just a different kind of crocodile. 

Despite the crushing effect of the Facebook onslaught, Australia's Churchillian leader, ScoMo, has pledged to fight on with every drop of Ocker blood against the totalitarian threat.

"Facebook’s actions to unfriend Australia today, cutting off essential information services on health and emergency services, were as arrogant as they were disappointing,” Morrison wrote on Facebook itselfmeaning that he may already have been captured.

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