Wednesday 27 January 2021


Hedge funds have been making money with immoral trading practices for decades. But the toxic by-product of that is a massive well of hatred and loathing for hedge funds and the people who run them. 

Now it seems that all that hatred has come to bite then in the butt, with a massive grassroots uprising against the "shorting" tyranny of hedge funds. This is being organised by amateur investors through Reddit.

This has led to two hedge funds crashing and burning after they had placed massive bets on money-losing video game retailer GameStop dropping in price.

Instead an army of amateur investors rallied GameStop stock. This was also assisted by a tweet from the World's richest man Elon Musk:

The result of this is that GamsStop stock soared, defeating the attempts by Wall Street vultures to profit by pushing down its value.

It is no coincidence that this is happening right after the Biden administration launched an attack on BitCoin which was seeing rapid growth previously.

It seems that the "non-professional investors" who were making a killing by investing in crypto have now been pushed into stonks, and are determined to take no prisoners.

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