Saturday 12 December 2020


Yup, Scotus has ruled that massive vote rigging is OK, as long as it is done on a state-by-state basis. The Supreme Court has tossed out a motion by the state of Texas that basically challenged the way the vote was conducted in a number of key swing states where massive voting irregularities appear to have determined the result.

As reported by archived normie media:

The US Supreme Court on Friday rejected a challenge to President-elect Joe Biden’s election wins in four crucial swing states — leaving President Trump virtually out of legal options ahead of Monday’s meeting of the Electoral College.

A partial-page order said a motion by the state of Texas to file a complaint alleging “significant and unconstitutional irregularities” in each state’s vote count “is denied for lack of standing under Article III of the Constitution.”

“Texas has not demonstrated a judicially cognizable interest in the manner in which another State conducts its elections,” the order said.

Article III of the Constitution basically limits the power of the Supreme Court to "Federal" matters:

Section 2 [of Article III] states that federal judiciary's power extends to cases arising under the Constitution, federal laws, federal treaties, controversies involving multiple states or foreign powers, and other enumerated areas.

A Federal election, in which several states have blatantly broken with existing precedent to change their voting systems, allowing massive voter fraud, is obviously a Federal matter, but the Supreme Court has chosen to view this as a purely State matter.

This runs counter to almost a century of SCOTUS intervention in how states exercise internal democracy, for example the controversial 1944 Smith v. Allwright ruling by which the Supreme Court overturned Texas state law to force the state to ban the use of white primaries. White primaries are no different to allowing Democratic machines in Black-run cities, like Philadelphia, Detroit, and Atlanta, to stuff the ballots any way they want. 

The outcome of this ruling is that individual state power, for good or ill, has been greatly enhanced, meaning that States will now have more freedom to diverge. Given the cultural and political trends in America, this will greatly strengthen the secessionist tendencies in America. 

Already the GOP in Texas is talking about secession, although this is probably just empty signalling to appease angry Groypers and America Firsters:

1 comment:

  1. America is dead.

    The stirrings of secession are not in jest, but to make the case and lay the ground work will take time, say 4 years.

    Imagine if we had not wasted the last 4 years on Hitler salutes, clubs, shields and body armor!

    A painful lesson that some haven't yet learned, if they ever will. We move forward without them.


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