Sunday 13 December 2020


The main threats to free speech are Nazitards and Fed shills pretending to be Nazitards.

These groups have a long history of polluting social media platforms with their Nazi (or fake Nazi) schtick. They usually do this to make nationalism or even some forms of conservatism look bad and/or get everybody else who isn't a "woke" leftist piece of crap deplatformed.

So it is great news to hear that free-speech-friendly Alt-Tech site BitChute has kicked off the Nordic Resistance Movement (NRM).

Well, done BitChute!

NRM are basically a gang of Nazi LARPers whose job it is to latch on to any sensible nationalist movement or concerns and toxify them so that the globalists can keep importing millions of Third World migrants into their countries.

Following BitChute's action, these globalist tools were pissing tears like little girls on their Nazi website:

BitChute has banned the Nordic Resistance Movement’s official channel, the NRM radio channel and has deleted a large number of videos uploaded by other users featuring the Resistance Movement in what appears to be a mass wave of censorship.

The “free speech” video site replaced the Nordic Resistance Movement’s account with the following message on Thursday:

"Your channel has been blocked for breaching the BitChute Community Guidelines. An email was sent to your registered email address detailing the reasoning behind this decision. If you have not received it, or wish to appeal against the decision, then please contact us." ...

This is not the first instance of BitChute censoring legitimate content on its site. Recently, BitChute blocked a number of popular channels in various countries, forcing users to use a VPN in order to view them. The censorship followed BitChute’s statement in July in which they “encouraged organizations like Hope Not Hate” (a UK-based “anti-racist” organisation) to “help them improve their processes”.

Boo hoo, sob. Yeh, big bad BitChute, must have banned Atomwaffen Division as well, LOL.

But being totally serious, here, it is vital for free speech platforms like BitChute to know the difference between real free speech that addresses vital issue like plunging birthrates, mass immigration, and racial replacement in a serious and morally defensible way, and and "free speech" that just gives Nazi fetishists and globalist shills an open door to poison platforms like BitChute so that they either get shut down or else pushed into becoming non-free-speech, which might happen if they listen too much to creeps like the SPLC or Hope Not Hate. 

This is the fine line that BitChute has to walk:

Kill free speech and the site will have no purpose to exist. Allow it to become a hive of actual Nazis instead of real dissidents and the globalists will have exactly the excuse they need to shut it down. Kicking off actual Nazis like the NRM is part and parcel of this delicate game. 


  1. Thoughts on Patriot Front?

    1. Do you mean the same 150 guys from Iron March who are planning a national insurrection with their shield wall?


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