Saturday 19 December 2020


It looks like the big push is finally on to kill the very true meme of Muslim Rape Gangs in the UK.

Last week the British government published a poorly worded report on the phenomenon of grooming gang rape of children, and this is now being spun by lying leftist media to create a false narrative. 

Here is the vile Guardian peddling the new "woke" myth that Muslim rape gangs did nothing wrong:

This week marks a watershed moment in a decade of discussion of “grooming gangs”: a much-anticipated Home Office report has concluded that there is no credible evidence that any one ethnic group is over-represented in cases of child sexual exploitation.

For many in Britain today the term “grooming gang” immediately suggests Pakistani-heritage Muslim men abusing white girls, but the Home Office researchers now tell us that “research has found that group-based offenders are most commonly White”.

There, did you get that? Yes, White racists are responsible for all the raping. In fact it's probably gangs of White men raping poor little brown girls, not the other way round, LOL!

OK, maybe they are not going there just yet, but that is clearly the direction they are pushing in.

Once again this "woke" narrative is just another classic example of media disinformation. 

In fact the Home Office Report actually summarises several earlier surveys. On page 28 of the report, which you can find here, it mentions a 2011 report by the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Command (CEOP), a branch of the National Crime Agency:

CEOP (2011) undertook a data collection with police forces, children’s services and specialist providers from the voluntary sector, looking at those allegedly involved in ‘street grooming’ and CSE [child sexual exploitation]. Data was returned on approximately 2,300 possible offenders, but approximately 1,100 were excluded from analysis due to a lack of basic information. In the remaining 1,200 cases, ethnicity data was unknown for 38% of them. Where data was available 30% of offenders were White, while 28% were Asian. Due to the amount of missing data, both basic offender information and ethnicity specifically, these figures should be treated with caution.

"Treated with caution" btw doesn't mean "discarded" or "ignored." It just means "not perfect" or "incomplete." Anyway all data must always be treated with caution.

The fact is, however, that the CEOP report was very probably also a cover-up, as 1,100 cases -- almost half!!! -- were excluded and 38% of the remaining cases suspiciously did not have an "ethnicity."

But even bearing that in mind, Asians, who were 6.8% of the UK population in 2011, are still mentioned as doing 28% of the "street grooming." Probably a lot more. The figures are even worse when you exclude non-Muslim Asians and just focus on Muslim Asians, mainly Pakistanis and Bangladeshis. Now, please explain how Asian Muslims are not "over-represented" in grooming rape gangs.

Also a data collection from the CEOP in 2013, also quoted in the report, put the number of Asian offenders even higher at 75%: 

In 2013 CEOP undertook a second piece of work in this space. Data was requested from all police forces in England and Wales on contact CSA, and responses were received from 31. Of the 52 groups where data provided was useable, half of the groups consisted of all Asian offenders, 11 were all White offenders, 4 were all Black, and 2 were exclusively Arab. There were nine groups where offenders came from a mix of ethnic backgrounds. Looking at the offenders across all groups, of the 306 offenders 75% were Asian.

This is pretty damning stuff, and it is all included and quoted in the latest Home Office report. So how is the Leftist media, especially those cretins at the Guardian, able to spin this report as exonerating the Muslims in the UK?

This is because one antiquated survey and one extremely incomplete survey are included, both of which are connected to disgraced child protection boss, Sue Berlowitz. Both of these surveys radically under-count the number of Muslim perpetrators and are included in the report despite misgivings by the authors:

Berelowitz et al. (2012) collected data from a range of agencies including local authorities, police forces and voluntary sector organisations on individuals known to be exploiting children. Around 1,500 individuals were identified, but there was no data on ethnicity for 21% of them. Where data was available, ‘White’ was the largest category. However, it should be noted that this data relates to a time period at least ten years ago when many agencies were less familiar with CSE. This work also did not distinguish between groups and gangs.


The Children’s Commissioner for England [Berelowitz] carried out work in 2014 looking at police data on CSE offenders. Data was provided by 19 out of 43 police forces, showing nearly 4,000 offenders, 1,200 of whom were involved in group-based CSE. This study found that 42% were White or White British, 17% were Black or Black British, 14% were Asian or Asian British, and 4% had another ethnicity. No data on ethnicity was recorded in 22% of cases. As above, it should be noted that when this work was carried out when many agencies were less familiar with CSE, and very little was recognised or recorded about this kind of offence or offender by police at the time.

As a Labour-government appointed Children’s Commissioner for England, Berelowitz, who is a left-wing South African academic, was widely blamed for failing to speak out about abuse by Pakistani gangs, even attracting anti-Semitc abuse

In 2015 she was subject to further scandal when she was kicked out of the position with a £134,000 "golden handshake," only to be rehired 
as a consultant within 24 hours on £1,000 a day. Her reports in the wake of the Rochdale and Rotherham grooming gang revelations, denying there was a growing number of Asian grooming gangs, were widely condemned

Sue Berelowitz: worthless reports

The inclusion of the these flawed reports, branded as ‘hysterical’ and ‘highly emotional’ by a government source at the time, leads to the rather odd summary on race and ethnicity in the recent Home Office Report (p.25) and the astounding conclusion that the majority of offenders are White:

Research on offender ethnicity is limited, and tends to rely on poor quality data. It is therefore difficult to draw conclusions about differences in ethnicity of offenders, but it is likely that no one community or culture is uniquely predisposed to offending.

• A number of studies have indicated an over-representation of Asian and Black offenders in group-based CSE. Most of the same studies show that the majority of offenders are White.

• Community and cultural factors are, however, relevant to understanding and tackling offending. An approach to deterring, disrupting, and preventing offending that is sensitive to the communities in which offending occurs is needed.

The thing to realise about this Report, however, is that it does not remotely say what the Left-wing media like the Guardian are claiming.

we are dealing with here a document that is designed to "prep" politicians on how to discuss the issue of Muslim grooming gangs in public, under the glare of the media in a way that does not "alienate" all Muslims. Therefore it is pure "weasel words" mainly aimed at avoiding accusations of "racism." 

A phrase like "it is likely that no one community or culture is uniquely predisposed to offending" has so many escape clauses in it that it basically more worthless and meaningless than false. The same summary that includes this, also refers to the very real surveys that show an "over-representation of Asian and Black offenders in group-based CSE." 75% Asian, as we saw in the totally legit CEOP data request from 2013.

But even if the inclusion of bad surveys linked to  
Berelowitz  skew figures so that Whites are a slightly larger percentage of CSE offenders, there is still the problem of Asians being only 6.8% of the population and Whites still being around 90% of the population (2011 figures). This is still clearly massive over-representation.

Then, what should we make of the next phrase from the Report summary on race and ethnicity:

"Community and cultural factors are, however, relevant to understanding and tackling offending."

This is clearly a cloaked phrase pointing straight at the heart of the Muslim community. But why is it cloaked? The next sentence explains:

"An approach to deterring, disrupting, and preventing offending that is sensitive to the communities in which offending occurs is needed."

Yes, the Home Office and the police favour a softly-softly approach. Now, how well has that been working?

A few images should amply answer that question.







Meanwhile here's the Guardian again, metaphorically holding down the victims while they are gang-banged by these creeps:

If we really want to tackle this issue, we have to stop fixating on the lurid and false distraction of “Muslim grooming gangs”. We need to address the woeful under-funding of the relevant community, healthcare and violence-against-women services, and we need to address repeated systemic failings that are being neglected. There must be a genuine political commitment to tackle all forms of sexual abuse, and one that prioritises investment in services and communities.

Yeh, forget about racially profiling the actual communities that are generating this wave of underage rape, what we need is more social workers or something. That'll fix things...


  1. Anne Marie nails it
    Another pointless grooming gang report
    6mins 16Dec20
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