Sunday 20 December 2020


Metapolitics as masturbation
This is quite a claim, isn't it? Because even a broken clock that has been smashed into pieces, set on fire, and thrown into a quarry still has bits that point in the general direction of Time. How is it possible for the Alt-Right to be even wronger than that?

The key is not data, because much of the data that the Alt-Right refers to is accurate and relevant. Yes 13% do commit 52%. Yes, in the absence of conventional monogamous societal norms backed up by a system of morality, 80% of the pussy gravitates to the top 10% of dick. Yes, under present trends America will become majority non-White by 2060. (Unless, of course, they redefine Whiteness to include "sub-Whites" like Weev, Andrew Anglin, Mike Enoch, and Striker, LOL.) 

So, no, I'm not talking about minor data points. Anyone can get that shit right. Where the Alt-Right is so irredeemably wrong is in how it reacts to data. Rather than coolly taking it in and passing it on to the rest of society, it reacts in a completely emotional way, substituting its viscera for its brain.

When you react in this piss-poor way, you effectively "bounce off" the data and end up going off in emotional tangents, which, more often than not, lead you to some very retarded places.  Everything becomes wrong because thoughts are perceived through feelz rather than brainz

With emotion, as the British once understood, less is more, a lot more. 

It is the shrill note of emotional incontinence that is the characteristic texture, sound, and stench of the Alt-Right (and indeed much of the on-line-fueled, social-media-mentored Dissident Right today). This manifests as an all-pervading sense of butthurt, impotent lashing out, and arguing like girls about the most trivial and often semantic of things.

This should be no surprise, given that "Da Movement" is essentially made up of sub-Whites, sub-masculines, and sub-verticles (a.k.a. manlets). 


  1. My problem is that most these pro-white guys are older and childless. It diminishes their authenticity. They talk about White Genocide while simultaneously contributing to it.

    1. I think you're guilty of Alinskyism there, namely expecting people to conform perfectly to the ideals they are espousing. The problem is that that they make their message repellent by their sub-masculine over-emotive tone and by connecting it to moral toxicities like Naziism.


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