Wednesday 25 November 2020


One of the better maintained public toilets in Scotland

Apparently Scotland is making a big push for feminine hygiene by giving ladies sanitary products, including tampons and pads, for free.

As reported by the Cunt News Network:

Scotland has become the first country to allow free and universal access to menstrual products, including tampons and pads, in public facilities, a landmark victory for the global movement against period poverty.

The Scottish Parliament voted unanimously in favor of the Period Products bill on Tuesday, months after lawmakers had initially signaled their support.

It means period products will be available to access in public buildings including schools and universities across Scotland. According to the new rules, it will be up to local authorities and education providers to ensure the products are available free of charge.

No one really knows where this slippery slope will lead. Will free dildos be next, or how about toilet paper and mouthwash for everyone?

But there could be a "wee" problem with the Scottish regional government's "idealistic" plan to deliver "vampire mice" and "spongemonsters" to Scotland's women when they "have the painters in." 

This is because the "minge pillows" and "lady sticks" will have to be made available thorough public toilets -- yes, the nation's bombed out poopatoriums! Can they take the strain?

Thanks to socialism and a lack of social cohesion caused by the failure to assimilate 19th-century Irish immigrants, Scotland has one of the most virulent subcultures of vandalism in the Western world. Anything that can be broken is broken. In fact most bus shelters have to be constructed out of bullet proof glass or something. The result of this is that most of Scotland's public toilets resemble a virtual recreation of the Somme battlefield in 1916.

So, once installed in the nation's "shatcaves," the chances are that most the "cunt bullets" and "fanny padding" will go "missing in action," being used to either bung up the plumbing or start fires. 

The Scottish regional government may thus want to reconsider their reckless plans before it is too late.

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