Tuesday 24 November 2020


While human IQ levels have been on the slide for some time, it seems that those of apes are set to soar after scientists managed to double the brain size of monkeys in a weird Frankenstein gene experiment.

As reported by New York Post:

Scientists made monkey brains double in size by splicing them with human genes in a “Planet of the Apes”-style experiment.

During the study, Japanese and German researchers injected a gene called ARHGAP11B — which directs stem cells in the human brain — into the dark matter of marmoset fetuses, according to a release about the research.

Yes, it would be the Japanese and German scientists. When we stopped them experimenting on humans in WWII this was bound to happen.

Anyway, back to story...

They found that the primates’ brains soon became more human-like by developing larger, more advanced neocortexes — the area that controls cognition and language, according to the study published in the journal Science in June.

According to images released by the researchers, the modified monkey brains nearly doubled in size at around 100 days into gestation.

Unfortunately, the scientists decided to abort the monkey fetuses rather than allow the brain-enhanced apes to be born. But of course it is only a matter of time before a scientist somewhere replicates this experiment, uses it on chimps or gorillas, and then allows the birth of the super apes. Then it becomes a question of which sectors of the increasingly low IQ human race will be replaced first.

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