Sunday 8 November 2020


Geeks and Neocons seem to be the biggest winners if Biden is able to make his media-driven Colour Revolution stick with the US courts and American public.

This is certainly being reflected in share prices for Big Tech companies and the armaments industry.

Here is a basket of Big Tech shares shooting up on the news that Biden was most likely to come out on top -- almost a 10% jump.

That's quite a leap!

After all the help they gave Biden to win steal the election. I guess their fear of anti-trust legislation has receded somewhat.

And here are the share prices of three big arms contractors.

Notice anything?

Yes. Biden is seen as a "war President."

Whereas Trump was committed to high spending on the military, a lot of that money was for soldiers who weren't going to be fighting overseas in pointless wars, just staying comfortably on their bases. A rise in arms contractors, however, reveals an expectation that those GIs are going to be going somewhere and blowing something up. Wonder where.

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