Sunday 8 November 2020


Superficially there seemed to be a lot of common ground between Trump and UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson. Both were big blonde beasts, the political beneficiaries of 2016 populism. Despite the fact that Johnson is a fake conservative, this made for a good working relationship between Britain and America.

But things may not be quite as rosy with an administration headed by President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris (assuming, of course, that Trump's legal challenges fall flat).

The simple fact is that Biden is bad for Britain. As an Irish American, he has the deeply anti-British sentiments of that demographic. Not only that, but Biden, as the former VP for Obama, also shares Kamala Harris's views that Boris is simply a "racist," even though he has filled his cabinet with Indians.

As reported by the Times:

" of Biden’s campaign team accused Johnson of making 'racist comments' in the past, compared Britain’s immigration policies to Trump’s and criticised British ministers’ stance towards Black Lives Matter.

'They do not think Boris Johnson is an ally,' the Democratic source said. 'They think Britain is an ally. But there will be no special relationship with Boris Johnson.'

A senior US politician who is expected to take a job in the Biden administration recently told a British friend those views were shared by Harris. 'If you think Joe hates him, you should hear Kamala,' the senior figure said.

Back in 2009, Johnson, then a mere journalist, criticised Obama's decision to remove a bust of Winston Churchill from the Oval Office, commenting that it was a "symbol of the part-Kenyan president’s ancestral dislike of the British empire."

Tommy Vietor, a former Obama press aide, even rejected Johnson’s congratulatory tweet last night by calling him a "shapeshifting creep," adding:

"We will never forget your racist comments about Obama and slavish devotion to Trump."

The only sign of hope is that Biden is now so old and senile that he might forget all the pro-Trump, anti-Obama, and "racist" things that Johnson said and wrote. In fact, he's so far gone, he has already forgotten all the 
"racist" things he said himself. At this rate he might even forget he's Irish by next week. But that still leaves the problem of Kamala Harris and all the other Brit haters in the administration.

A Biden/Harris administration is also expected to ram BLM down people's throats, something else that will poison relations:

"...people around Biden, including Ben Rhodes, an Obama adviser now expected to take a national security role, have argued for Johnson to receive the cold shoulder.

In a TV address on Friday, Biden stressed tackling “systematic racism” as a priority. 'Leaders who are not seen as allies on race, there will be big problems for those leaders,' the campaign insider said.

“He doesn’t want to work with people who project those views,” the aide said, and he was 'shocked at the dismissiveness of black rights' after Dominic Raab, the foreign secretary, called Black Lives Matter protestors taking the knee, 'a symbol of subjugation and subordination' and said that he would kneel only before the Queen or when proposing to his wife."

Yes, basically Britain looks set to become something of a whipping boy for an incoming Biden/Harris regime, and, with a Brexit deal still not finalized, is in a rather vulnerable position.

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