Wednesday 3 June 2020


UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson has gone insane and is now offering citizenship to millions of Chinese people -- FFS!!! 

The move follows China's decision to rip up its treaty with the UK over Hong Kong, and crack down on freedom of speech. 

Under that treaty, China promised to protect freedom in the former British colony, which was passed to over to China in 1997, and preserve its autonomy for 50 years. However, thanks to ongoing protests in Hong Kong that some claim are fueled by US psy-ops, China has decided to impose its ion grup over Hong Kong.

In response Johnson is offering to open Britain's borders to millions of Hong Kongers. Writing in the Times, he said:

...last month, the National People’s Congress in Beijing decided to impose a national security law on Hong Kong that would curtail its freedoms and dramatically erode its autonomy. If China proceeds, this would be in direct conflict with its obligations under the joint declaration, a legally binding treaty registered with the United Nations.

Britain would then have no choice but to uphold our profound ties of history and friendship with the people of Hong Kong.

Today, about 350,000 of the territory’s people hold British National (Overseas) passports and another 2.5 million would be eligible to apply for them. At present, these passports allow visa-free access to the United Kingdom for up to six months.

If China imposes its national security law, the British government will change our immigration rules and allow any holder of these passports from Hong Kong to come to the UK for a renewable period of 12 months and be given further immigration rights, including the right to work, which could place them on a route to citizenship.

This would amount to one of the biggest changes in our visa system in history. If it proves necessary, the British government will take this step and take it willingly.

Nobody in Britain wants this -- apart from the globalist cabal that runs the Conservative Party and, of course, Leftist idiots. Britain is already overcrowded with migrants and split by deep ethnic tensions that threaten the very existence of the British people. 

Hong Kong people are of course great. They are clearly some of the cleverest and hardest working people in the world. But allowing millions of them to flood the UK labour market would merely crash wages and reduce living standards, while boosting profits for the globalists, big business, and landowners in big cities, where, of course, rents would skyrocket. 

As foreigners, Hong Kongers in the UK would also definitely band together and network, gaining a group advantage over British people, putting them out of jobs, and taking over key segments of the economy to run as they want.
The trouble with the UK is that it is now effectively a one-party state run by the globalist Conservative Party, with Labour unable to offer effective opposition. 

Labour, of course, would be worse if they ever got into government. But a Labour Party that threatened the Conservative Party would at least force it to represent the interests of its own grass roots voters, rather than the interests of the party's globalist donors who increasingly pull the strings. 

How long before British voters have a true nationalist alternative to the corrupt and anti-democratic Labour and Conservative parties?

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1 comment:

  1. if this happens im done, im joining a monastery and never leaving
    this country is dead


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