Tuesday 2 June 2020


There are all sorts of evil elites that run the world and cause its many problems, but thanks to extremely poor PR and branding, it's the Jews who get blamed for almost all of it. 

As Colin Liddell once wrote:

"...the Jews are not the only group operating in the shadows, pouring soft power into the bloodstream of the world like a corrosive poison. There are other groups – non-Jewish business elites, faceless and raceless Eurocrats, the US military-industrial complex, those in the pay of the Saudis, etc., etc. – but the Jew, with his iconic form and viral possibilities, modeled on the medieval meme magic of the Catholic Church, stretched between Shakespeare's Shylock and Morrakiu’s Merchant Minute, is (((tailor)))-made as a hate figure for the unfocused fears that increasing manipulation of the world is producing."

Now, thanks to that PR disaster that is the Jewish public image, Jews are increasingly being blamed for the Coronavirus outbreak, although it was clearly the fault of the Chinese (or possibly gays!). 

The Oxford Coronavirus Explanations Attitudes, and Narratives Survey (OCEANS) polled 2,500 people and found that around 20% of them already blamed the Jews for the Coronavirus outbreak, even though conspiracy theories about the virus are still in their infancy.

As reported by the Jerusalem Post:

One in five English people believe that Jews created COVID-19 to collapse the economy for financial gain, a newly-released study by a team of researchers at the University of Oxford has revealed.

The finding came as part of a wider survey in attitudes toward the virus and the measures taken to prevent its spread, which found that there was a strong undercurrent of mistrust over official advice on the virus within the public....

Presented with the statement “Jews have created the virus to collapse the economy for financial gain,” 5.3% of the interviewees “agreed a little,” 6.8% “agreed moderately,” 4.6% “agreed a lot,” and 2.4% “agreed completely,” while some 80.8% did not agree with it at all.

Just weeks from the start of the outbreak, and already one person in five is blaming the Jews! This number can only go up with time.

As long as a substantial number of Jews look the way they look -- a hangover of the medieval ghetto style -- and play prominent roles in banking, the media, and run nefarious organisations like AIPAC, the SPLC, and ADL, it is inevitable that vast numbers of people will routinely blame them for any bad things that happens. 

As Liddell wrote in his classic article "Fear of an Antisemitic Planet" in 2016:

We now live in a world that, through its complexity, lack of ethnic unity, and multifarious levels of manipulation, is breeding mistrust, paranoia, and hatred on an industrial scale. But this same world also has, in its liberalizing way, removed the barriers for that paranoia and hatred to flow and coagulate where it will, and where will it flow to? Why, to the eternal scapegoat, of course.

The only way to avoid this clear and present danger is for Jews to radically improve their image and change their most prominent occupations.

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