Friday 29 May 2020


Doorcam photo of a woman desperately seeking help from a spate of kidnappings and at least one murder.
Spurred on by Big Media and simping politicians like Mayor Jacob Frey, so-called "protesters" in Minneapolis have started to do what the fuck they like, as a means of supposedly "seeking justice" for George Floyd, who died after being arrested by police. 

Apparently this "quest for justice" now includes Black gangs kidnapping, ****ing, and murdering White women.

A recent video, showing Floyd, a Black ex-con, being restrained by police shortly before his death, has been widely promoted by Big Media -- as well as social media monopolies like Twitter and Facebook -- leading to widespread anger, looting, arson, and violence by African Americans. 

But now it seems that some Blacks feel entitled to take even more "revenge" on innocent Whites.

As reported by Gateway Pundit:

A woman was found dead inside a car following the second night of violent riots in Minneapolis.

According to police, the woman appeared to be in her 30s with “trauma visible” on her body, which was in the back seat. The car was in the area of the riots, in the middle of the street on 17th and Bryant Avenue.

There were multiple reported kidnappings in the area during the same time period.

Libor Jany, a reporter from the Star Tribune wrote on Twitter that “amidst all this, police are being called to investigate a possible kidnapping from the parking lot across the street from their burning station; a screaming woman was said to have been forcibly put into a vehicle that then sped away, according to scanner traffic.”

Additionally, a report of a topless white female “in distress” in a car with three black males went out over the scanner...

Another social media user posted a photo from their motion censor doorbell showing a distraught woman that appeared to seek help. They did not hear the bell and it is unknown if she is okay. Social media users in a Minneapolis Facebook group where it was posted speculated that she may have been one of the kidnapped women.

Yes, thanks to the media, politicians, and Leftist scum telling Blacks they are "victims" of White racism, some of them have, quite predictably, come to the conclusion that Whites are evil monsters whom it is OK to kidnap, ****, and murder.

The irony of the situation is that all the female victims in this case are more than likely to be Left-leaning Democrat-voting women, who were probably in the area to show how "woke" they were and support the demonstrations riots. 

Any White women redpilled on race would know better than to hang around large groups of violent Blacks, filled with anger and hatred against White people by the media.

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