Wednesday 1 May 2019


Striker with a "giant" normal-sized pipe
Striker, one of the "leading lampshades" of the increasingly retarded Rump Alt-Right, has been exposed as a lot a less "Huwhite" and Aryan than his online persona suggested. 

According to an extremely detailed SPLC report published today, he is in fact a tiny Hispanic man.

Wow, I didn't see that coming, not after Mike Enoch turned out to be a Jew with a Jewish wife and a Black (adopted) brother...

...or Weev a Jew with a "giant" normal-sized Nazi tattoo....

or Andrew Anglin a tiny dwarf who looks like a pet Albino...

...or Sven a swarthy Arab-looking motherfucker with a Chinese wife...

FFS, I can't stop laughing.

Oh, wait, I forgot Alex McNabb...

Anyway back to Striker who fits right into this weird pattern...

According to the report, put together with the loving help and cooperation of people at TRS, Striker's real name is Joseph Jordan. He also has some interesting physical characteristics:

Jordan, a 30-year-old-man from Queens, New York, with light olive skin, slicked-back hair and rockabilly sideburns, has inhabited the busy, online alt-right persona of “Eric Striker” since at least 2015, Hatewatch determined through over a dozen interviews with people inside and outside of the alt-right movement.

Yes, olive skin and slicked-back hair. A bit of a clue there. The report continues:

Jordan’s parents, both of whom have either Latinx first names or surnames, married in 1988, according to records listed on A neighbor told Hatewatch she has known the family for years and that Jordan’s mother told her she was an immigrant from South America.

The neighbor who knew Jordan’s parents also told Hatewatch he is rarely seen in the vicinity of the working-class block where his family lives. A woman with an accent answering the door at his parents’ apartment told Hatewatch in February that Jordan had left the country.

Jordan told two people in the alt-right movement he was Italian, the reporting finds. One of the two people told Hatewatch they asked Jordan to name the part of Italy from which his family emigrated, but he couldn’t do it.

So, there you have it -- another "try hard," pseudo-White mystery meat guy whose extreme Naziism is driven by his own fucked up sense of "not being White enough" himself.

Every. Single. Time!

But there is more. Like his former mentor Andrew Anglin, Striker also appears to be a near midget. 

In a video given to the SPLC by one of Enoch's inner circle, he appears to be around five feet tall:

Striker (White T-shirt) standing next to a normal sized human.
The fact that he is a dwarf probably has something to do with his chosen political direction of Alt-Right Nazbol. Maybe he thinks that come the day of the Revolution, the inches will be all redistributed so that even short arses like him can have a chance with the opposite sex.

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