Wednesday 1 May 2019


Collett has always been attracted to tall stories.
Mark Collett is a well known British Nationalist and YouTuber associated with the Jew-obsessed Rump Alt-Right. He often appears on podcasts and live streams with Dr. David Duke and other well-known Jew obsessives. He is also an active Twitterer with over 40,000 followers. 

Because of his largely English background he is more astute about the perils of going "full 1488," although he clearly wants to. Instead he specialises in Nazi dogwhistling to his followers. 

Here he is dogwhistling the old Anti-Semitic meme about the Bankers and Leftists all being Jews working in harmony for the destruction of the White race:

Quite clever how he did that. To Americans used to just blurting out their Jew-obsessed drivel this must look like Noel Coward coining another bon mot

Collett also likes to keep his followers abreast of the latest news, but strangely, rather than posting links to news stories, he instead posts screenshot images of supposed news stories. This act in itself is highly suspicious, as it means it is not easy to check the story. Needless to say, this often means that the story is fake, photoshopped, made up, or exaggerated in some way. In short it is Fake News, something the Rump Alt-Right specialise in. 

I have often seen Collett post this well-known bullshit cover of the National Geographic:

His latest lie,however, surrounds the story of an African immigrant in Italy, who, according to Collett, actuallu bit off the finger of an Italian Police Officer. 

Here's that Tweet:

And here's what you see when you click on the image:

Note the weird language, as if this is auto-translated (badly) from Italian. But Collett is pretty definite on what has happened:

21-year-old Nigerian migrant bites off an Italian police officer's finger!
The migrant had previously been granted a 'humanitarian residence permit'.

Trad News decided to fact check this story while waiting for a bus and managed to track it down to a reputable Italian source, which was then auto-translated. Here is the key part of the story:

During a simple identification, two local police officers were attacked and injured with bites by a Nigerian who refused to provide the documents.

As if that were not enough, the situation has further degenerated when about thirty enraged immigrants arrived on the scene who threatened to surround the police in an attempt to guarantee an escape route to the EU...

The scene sparked panic in the whole area so that passers-by, fearing the worst, ran away. Only the arrival on the spot of other policemen and a patrol of the carabinieri allowed to restore calm.

Thus the attacker was finally arrested. Subsequent investigations showed that the detainee is a 21-year-old Nigerian asylum seeker in Italy thanks to a permit for humanitarian reasons. After the usual procedures, the boy was transferred to the local police headquarters, awaiting the direct trial scheduled for today.

The two agents, on the other hand, were rescued and transported to the San Bortolo hospital in Vicenza to be treated. Their conditions would not cause concern. The agent who suffered the bite reported a fracture to the phalanx of a finger and, for this reason, could be subjected to undergoing surgery. Instead, the colleague was treated and discharged with a two-day prognosis.

Yes, an officer was bitten, but, as you can see, no finger was lost, as Collett claimed. 

The fact that there was a riot caused by police officers just doing their duty is enough reason for concern and to warn anyone of the dangers of mass immigration, so why spoil your reputation by indulging in blatant lies and exaggerations? 

The nationalist right is already under constant attack on all sides. In this war truth is our only defence. Anyone who disgraces the truth in the way that Collett regularly does only serves to discredit the nationalist cause, and is an enemy of our people. 

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  1. Why do you spend so much time attacking figures on the right who are more successful than you? Don't you realise how this looks? Not to mention that it is harmful to the cause. No wonder tumble weed blows beneath your articles.
    Regardless of this, I do come here daily and it can be an entertaining read. I just wish that you'd drop the drama. It's very feminine.

    1. I wouldn't say Collett is more successful as Liddell is clearly taller.

  2. Thanks for your misplaced concern, but don't worry - very little time is "wasted" on these articles reporting on Alt-Right figures. We will continue to 'attack' them if they lie and do stupid shit, which is a very small 'if.'


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