Saturday 11 May 2019


The results of the South African general election are in, and, as usual, the corrupt, incompetent, genocide-signalling African National Congress won. The results were as follows:

ANC   57.5% (- 4.65 % points)
Democratic Alliance   20.77% (- 1.56)
Economic Freedom Fighters   10.79% (+ 4.44) 
Inkatha Freedom Party (Zulu party)   3.38% (+ 0.98) 
Vryheidsfront Plus   2.38% (+ 1.48)

While the mainstream media has been focusing on the drop in support for the ANC and the rise of the Economic Freedom Fighters, the story for White people is one of utter hopelessness brightened by the mildly promising result for small Vryheidsfront Plus, which more than doubled its vote.

For many years, White hopes rested on the rise of the Democratic Alliance (DA), a party that attracted White votes as well as "Coloreds" (mixed-race South Africans), Asians, and even some Blacks. 

The DA presented itself as the party of a "colorblind, rainbow South Africa" that could appeal to all South Africans and give them a vehicle for deposing the corrupt and incompetent ANC government. 

Yes, you're right, it sounded like a feelgood fantasy. But as long as the numbers moved in the right direction, people could believe. 

The DA vote showed a steady rise -- 12.37% in 2004, 16.66% in 2009, and 22.23% in 2014. If the DA could continue that trend there the hope could stay alive of one day gaining enough votes to throw the ANC out of power.

Yesterday's election, however, popped that little bubble and shows that the DA has reached its ceiling despite its efforts to attract more Black support. 

This means that Whites can't hope to have a say in South Africa through this route. 

Even worse news for Whites is the fact that the rising opposition to the ANC is now the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF), who will probably overtake the DA at the next election.

The EFF is a hard left, Black nationalist party that wants to throw middle-class Whites out of their comfortable suburban homes to join poor Whites in the squatter camps. The EFF continued to make good progress and has more natural appeal to the Black masses than the DA. 

The only glimmer of hope for White South Africans was the stronger showing by the Vryheidsfront Plus (VF+), a small party founded on Afrikaans-speaking Whites, but which also welcomes support from other, English-speaking Whites and other Afrikaans-speaking races, principally the Cape Coloreds. 

The VF+ more than doubled its support. Also, the party is likely to pick up even more support from Whites and other minorities now that the failure of the DA to effectively challenge the ANC is clear.

If the VF+ can consolidate the non-Black bloc, then they may have a chance of having a bargaining position in the future if the Black vote fragments or the EFF pull away enough support from the ANC to deprive it of a majority. 

But really that's a long shot, so other options should be considered. 

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  1. You mothafuckin honkies are dead! Mandela lives!


  2. It must really hurt to use racial slur words against White people and then find out that they don't even mind because the denotation is pretty good.


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