Monday 27 May 2019


If Martin Luther King Jr. is one thing above all others, it is a hero for Boomer Republicans. 

Don't take my word for it, here is Conservapedia on the subject:

Time and time again, liberals claim that MLK was a Democrat. Liberals point to the people he associated with or that he opposed Barry Goldwater as proof that MLK was a Democrat. There is considerable evidence that he was not a Democrat. Martin Luther King Sr. was a Republican, that would almost certainly make his son a Republican... It is noted at that point MLK Sr. switched parties to support Kennedy. This despite Kennedy voting against the 1957 Civil Rights Act and being initially opposed to the 1963 March on Washington by Dr. King. The March on Washington was organized by A. Phillip Randolph, who was a black Republican. In addition, Robert Kennedy allowed the FBI to wiretap MLK Jr's phone on a trial basis due to suspicion that Dr. King's associates were Communist; this was later expanded during Lyndon B. Johnson's presidency; which undermined King.

It was the Republicans who led the way to free the slaves nearly one-hundred years earlier, that fact was not lost on his generation. Frances Rice, chairman of the National Black Republican Association said, [he] "absolutely was a Republican," and "We were all Republicans in those days. The Democrats were training fire hoses on us, siccing dogs on us."

Yup, pure 100%, Red Elephant Boomer-type! 

So it must come as a terrible shock to GOP Boomers to learn that their "Conservative Christian" paragon was in fact a sick sex junkie who laughed at rape (like Sargon of Akkad, the notorious failed UKIP candidate).

The revelations come from summaries of the contents of FBI tapes, not due for release until 2027, which Pulitzer-Prize-winning biographer David Garrow claims to have unearthed.

According to these rather detailed summaries, the civil rights hero was recorded in a bugged hotel room joking that he was the founder of the "International Association for the Advancement of P***y-Eaters."

The normie press is having a field day with the revelations:

The recording from the Willard Hotel near the White House shows how King was accompanied by his friend Logan Kearse, the pastor of Baltimore's Cornerstone Baptist church who died in 1991, along with several female parishioners of his church.

In King's hotel room, the files claim they then 'discussed which women among the parishioners would be suitable for natural and unnatural sex acts'.

The FBI document says: 'When one of the women protested that she did not approve, the Baptist minister immediately and forcefully raped her' as King watched.

He is alleged to have 'looked on, laugh and offered advice' during the encounter.

FBI agents were in the room next door but did not intervene.

The following day, King and a dozen others allegedly participated in a 'sex orgy' engaging in 'acts of degeneracy and depravity'.

When one woman showed reluctance, King was allegedly heard saying that performing the act 'would help your soul'.

Senior FBI officials later sent King a copy of the incriminating tape and called him an 'evil abnormal beast' and his sexual exploits would be 'on record for all time'.

The letter also suggested he should commit suicide before his wrongs were revealed to the world.

King's philandering has long been suspected, however Garrow, who spent several months digging through the archive material, said he had no idea of the scale or the ugliness of it and his apparent indifference to rape until he saw the files.

He said: 'It poses so fundamental a challenge to his historical stature as to require the most complete and extensive historical review possible.'

Among the revelations is a claim by a prostitute who said she was involved in a threesome with King, which she described as the worst orgy she had ever experienced.

His wife Coretta often complained he was hardly with her and even said he would spend less than 10 hours a month at home.

Republican Boomers still believe that King was a man of outstanding moral character -- a Christian Conservative hero whose saintly and intellectual qualities disprove the "socialist-inspired" evils of Racism. When these summaries are backed up by the actual release of the tapes in  2027, there is no telling to what depths their denial of reality will plunge.


  1. In my mind I just performed an unnatural sex act on MLK's mouth.

    1. Your stomach is far stronger than any I've ever seen. Get some help, Dwight...

  2. Anyone who believed that King was anything but what is set forth above was a willing victim of the lies that said he was a great man of faith and a hero to all of us. Southerners knew what he was and those who supported that fraud just acquiesced under the weight of PC rather than take the right position.

    Of course, those of us who do know about King's filthy life are considered racists.


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