Monday 27 May 2019


Gay, Black, and "English," and now representing Scotland.
As revealed by the recent European Parliamentary elections, anti-White racism continues to spread in the UK. This is increasingly obvious in the selection of political candidates.  

Leftist parties like Labour, the Greens, and the SNP can be expected to select a disproportionate number of non-White candidates for reasons of ethnomasochism, White liberal self-loathing, and xenophilia. 

New Green Party MEP, Majid Majid
But even supposedly right-leaning or implicitly nationalist parties, like the Conservatives or the Brexit Party, fielded candidates in the European Parliamentary elections, who were not racially, ethnically, or culturally representative of their members or voters.

One reason for this is because anti-White racism is so prevalent in certain areas of the UK that it is almost impossible for White candidates to campaign even for "soft right" parties land policies without being physically attacked by anti-White racists.

This was seen throughout the campaign, in which White UKIP, Brexit Party, and independent candidates and their campaign workers were physically assaulted by Leftist Anti-White racists, while the equally Anti-White police did little to intervene.  

This forced the Brexit Party and the Conservatives to field non-White candidates in those areas where anti-White racism is the most intense, namely London and Scotland. 

In Scotland the Brexit Party's top candidate was a gay Black man, Louis Stedman-Bryce, obviously a difficult target for anti-White Leftists to attack with milkshakes, rocks, or acid. 

As top man on their list, he was also the only Brexit Party candidate elected in Scotland. 

The appropriately named "No Sheena."
The Scottish Conservatives, who are supporting a vaguely nationalist policy of watered-down "backstop" Brexit, also took the precaution of heading their candidate list with a non-White, this time Pakistan-born Nosheena Mobarik

Again another tough target for White haters to physically attack. As top of the Tory candidate list, she was also elected, while Conservative Whites failed to make the cut. In total, half of Scotland's six MEPs are now non-Scottish (one of the SNP's MEPs is French FFS!). 

In London, another Anti-White, Leftist hot spot, the Brexit Party headed their list with an Asian man, Benyamin Habib, in order to deflect away physical intimidation from the Left. Habib was elected along with another candidate, a White man of Jewish heritage

The top candidate on the Conservative list in London was another non-White -- Syed Kamall, a Muslim of Indo-Guyanese descent. Due to the poor performance of his party, however, he failed to get a place on the £80,000-a-year (with expenses) European gravy train this time.

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