Wednesday 15 May 2019


It looks like the Neocons, who have hijacked the foreign policy of President Trump, have finally got the war they always wanted. 

Just one snag -- instead of a full scale invasion of Venezuela or a massive air campaign to bomb the shit out of Iran -- the "war" is actually infighting between the two main Neocons in the Trump administration, namely National Security Adviser John Bolton and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.

Even better, the more Neocon-ish of the two, John Bolton appears to be losing to his more moderate Neocon rival Pompeo.

As reported by Neocon think-tank rag National Interest (sic):

Two sources familiar with the matter tell me [Bolton] is headed for the exits, having flown too close to the sun on his regime change efforts for Iran, Venezuela and North Korea. “Hearing that Trump wants him out,” a former senior administration official told me.

The sources also reveal that Bolton and Pompeo are constantly at loggerheads, with Bolton seeking outright "regime change" wars with Venezuela, Iran, North Korea,  and anywhere else where the globe on his desk stops spinning, while Pompeo favours concentrating on Iran and applying diplomatic and economic pressure instead of bombs:

The squabble goes further: a State Department official and a former senior administration official both report that Bolton and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo are “fighting all the time.”

There is also a widening gap between Trump and Bolton, evident in the President's own comments:

“He has strong views on things but that's okay. I actually temper John, which is pretty amazing,” Trump told reporters last week. “I'm the one that tempers him. That's okay. I have different sides. I have John Bolton and other people that are a little more dovish than him.”

“I like John,” Trump made sure to say, meaning that he is probably sharpening the knives right now.

Trad News estimates that Bolton will be gone well before the end of the Summer. Maybe sooner.

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