Tuesday 14 May 2019


Alan Ginsburg lookalike and "Federal agent" Weev.
Following the shut down of the Chateau Heartiste blog by low-quality blogging platform Wordpress, Andrew Auernheimer (aka "Weev"), who is widely believed to be a federal agent, is attempting to gain access to the site's data by offering to help its owner Roissy get it back online.

In a post left on Reddit, Auernheimer, who is a Jew LARPing as a Nazi to gain the confidence of low-IQ Alt-Righters, boasted of his anti-censorship tech skills and asked for help in contacting the now defunct site's site's owner Roissy:

I'm a professional systems guy with extensive anti-censorship experience. I kept The Daily Stormer online during an unequalled period of shutdowns involving dozens of companies, including domain registrars colluding to silence it. I have more experience in anti-censorship issues than anyone else alive. I have a number of technologies already built for this purpose (custom edits to Tor's hidden services code to make it faster at the cost of publisher anonymity, and a weekly Wordpress XML to LaTeX parser to create redistributable publications, to name a couple of examples) that nobody else has.

If anyone is in contact with Roissy please DM me contact info. He knows who I am, and has written some nice/funny things about me on the Chateau before. I am willing to assist him pro bono to see him through this period of difficulties.

Looks like this was a coordinated operation by Big Tech and the Deep State. Maybe Roissy has some vital data that they need.

Yes, Roissy, just hand over your whole operation to Weev, just like the morons at The Right Stuff did. The guy works for the government so what could possibly go wrong?

"By this sign shall you con them."


  1. I'd love to see the blog back up with the massive archive of posts restored. If 'Weev' can do that, then he'll be doing the dissident right a huge service.

  2. Digital separation en route to political and physical separation. People are still talking about 2020 and laughably even 2024 (!) to perhaps somehow "take back America". We live with these people at our own peril.

    Sadly, this low IQ movement will always be 2 years behind.


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