Thursday 9 May 2019


Danny Baker: comedy misfire
Danny Baker is an extreme left-wing Jeremy Corbyn fan. He is also a talentless fuckwit. Furthermore he looks like a heap of random body parts thrown together and sprayed with a thick layer of lard. 

Naturally because of this unique combination of characteristics he had a very cushy and well-paid job at the BBC for years and years.

But not anymore. 

Following the birth of the latest royal baby to the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, Danny thought he would take a communist-inspired poke at the Royals and tweeted the following image to his Twitter followers:

Unfortunately Danny failed to remember that the Duchess of Sussex is now technically "Black," and neglected to realise how his royal-bashing tweet (which was based on dated Leftist tropes of aristocratic inbreeding) would be taken by the hysterical, politically-correct culture of modern Orwellian Britain. 

Immediately and without bothering to check that Danny was in fact a boomer communist, the Twitter mob seized on the tweet to accuse the hapless BBC presenter of "Waycism."

Of course there is nothing particularly offensive in comparing a royal baby to a monkey just because the mother is partially Black -- unless of course you hate monkeys. All sorts of people get compared to all sorts of animals all the time. 

However Danny's attempted joke was to point out how "in-bred" the upper classes usually are. This is not entirely true and even less true in the case of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, so, for that reason alone, the joke was a complete misfire. 

But if it really was inbreeding that he wanted to mock, there is a particular community in the UK who are notorious for it. But tweeting about them would definitely be considered "racist."

Anyway, one less Leftie at the BBC. Do you think anyone will notice?

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