Friday 3 May 2019


The simple, rustic judge with few defences against the unscrupulous
fake news media and Leftist Twitter mob (99% chance of cucking).
A Memphis judge is under fire for posting a link to a Taki Magazine article by David Cole after the fake news media completely misrepresented the article, its intended meaning, and its author. In fact, this is a textbook example of how the fake news media goes about its work of literally distorting everything. 

Here is an excerpt from one of the stories from leading fake news site Newsweek:


By Daniel Moritz-Rabson

A Memphis criminal court judge posted a link to an article written by a prominent Holocaust denier that referred to Muslim immigrants as "foreign mud" and said that Jews should "get the f**k over the Holocaust." The judge also posted a string of Facebook posts expressing negative feelings about undocumented immigrants in recent months.

"I don’t know what to say. It’s extremely embarrassing," Shelby County Criminal Court Judge Jim Lammey told WMC5 Action News, saying that he had intended for the posts to be private and he did not know that David Cole was a Holocaust denier. Lammey told local news outlet WREG-TV that he was interested in the article because it discussed golems, animated creatures in Jewish folklore that are made out of materials like mud and clay...[break]...

"I don’t know if that meant that I agreed with it all or if it was just a reason to have a good conversation," Lammey told Commercial Appeal while speaking about the article from Cole. "I certainly don’t agree with that, being a Holocaust denier. My best friend—who’s deceased now—was Jewish and I wouldn’t do that."

Yet the posts have raised concerns about Lammey's impartiality. The judge, who was elected to office in 2006 and re-elected for eight more years in 2014, required some undocumented immigrants seeking probation to register with federal authorities—a move that could result in their being deported.

In a column about the importance of local news, Memphis Flyer editor Bruce Van Wyngarden quipped about Lammey. "Just the kind of guy you want making decisions about immigrants, right? Which, among other things, is exactly what Lammey does. He did say his best friend was Jewish, so there's that. Go read the story. It's nauseating," he wrote. 

"Go read the story"? LOL! 

That's the last thing they want you to do, as you have already been told what to think. There is of course no link to Cole's own article. 

The facts are that Cole is actually Jewish, and far from being a Holocaust denier, he simply believes that less than 6 million Jews were killed in the Holocaust based on his own deep research into the matter in the 1990s. 

Also, the reference to the word "mud" does not refer to migrants but to the material made to build golems as part of an analogy. As Newsweek is owned by Barry Diller and the family of Sydney Harman, amongst others -- and the article is written by Daniel Moritz-Rabson (I'm guessing he's a blue-eyed Swede or maybe Tibetan) -- you would expect them to know all about Golems and what they are made of.

Cole getting it on with Ann Coulter like an alpha (sorry, we got contaminated by fake new just by writing about it).
Cole responded to the attack on Lammey by contacting the judge directly with the following letter, in which he makes clear the completely dishonest approach of the mainstream media:

Dear Judge Lammey,

Now that the story has gone national, I've become aware of the controversy regarding the fact that you posted one of my columns. The column in question had been sent viral by my good friend Ann Coulter, who tweeted it four times in one day (she's one of my most supportive fans!). That may be why you saw it.

I know you have a lot on your plate, so I'll be succinct. I'm sorry my column landed you in hot water. I've been a weekly columnist at Taki's Magazine for four-and-a-half years, and I take my job seriously. I try to make each week's column special and interesting.

1) I am NOT a Holocaust denier. The journalists who are slamming you for having posted a “denier's” essay link to a 2013 article about me in The Guardian as “proof” that I deny the Holocaust. The Guardian piece specifically does NOT call me a denier. Not anywhere in the piece. It's one thing to call me a denier – that's a matter of opinion (even though it's inaccurate). But to state that the Guardian is the source for that claim is false and misleading. I believe that 3 to 3.5 million Jews, not six, were killed in the Holocaust, that there were four death camps, not six, and that the death camp murders ended in 1943 instead of 1944. That's CONTROVERSIAL, sure. But not denial. And the Guardian recognized that it is not denial. Indeed, following that article, I was brought back to the paper multiple times as a respected expert on Hollywood and conservatism.

2) I'm Jewish. No one seems to be mentioning that. Yet it's a readily available fact from all sources about me.

3) The term I employed in the piece you posted, “foreign mud,” referred to the clay used to construct Golems, not “all immigrants,” as the press is claiming. The “mud” line has been presented shorn of context, with no link to the original essay for people to independently verify.

4) The immigrants I DO criticize I criticize because they despise Jews. That was the point of my piece.

Again, sir, I apologize for the fact that my column is causing you grief. But you did nothing wrong. I am NOT a denier, I am Jewish, and the piece is actually an argument AGAINST Jew-hatred. That's why no one has linked to it in the hit pieces against you.

All my best,

David Cole

He is also thinking of growing fat and rich by suing several of the main fake news sites for spreading the lie that he is a Holocaust Denier.

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