Saturday 6 April 2019


May's masochistic cummies train could be about to hit the buffers.
After all the twists and turns of the last few weeks, you may have lost all track or interest in Brexit news. I mean it's very much a case of "Wake me up when it's finally fuckin' over and tell me what the result was."

But things may be building to a climax finally, with news emerging that several EU member states are getting ready to veto Prime Minister Theresa May's latest request to delay the exit date, forcing the UK into a "No Deal" Brexit on April 12th.

This would mean that Theresa May would no longer be able to enjoy humiliating herself again and again and again.

As Colin Liddell recently pointed out, May's behaviour can best be explained by an obvious masochistic complex that exults in constant diplomatic and political humiliation. If only she enjoyed a good whipping instead, the UK could save itself billions by hiring a professional sadist to "discipline her."

Among the states reportedly lining up to oppose a further extension are France, Spain and Belgium.

France has won the support of Spain and Belgium after signalling its readiness for a no-deal Brexit on 12 April if there are no significant new British proposals, according to a note of an EU27 meeting seen by the Guardian.

The diplomatic cable reveals that the French ambassador secured the support of Spanish and Belgian colleagues in arguing that there should only be, at most, a short article 50 extension to avoid an instant financial crisis, saying: “We could probably extend for a couple of weeks to prepare ourselves in the markets.”

The chances of Theresa May’s proposal of an extension to 30 June succeeding appeared slim as France’s position in the private diplomatic meeting was echoed by an official statement reiterating its opposition to any further Brexit delay without a clear British plan.

At present, May is hoping for what is called a “flextension,” a year-long extension with an option to come out early if a deal is ratified.

This would give her yet more opportunities to get fucked around by the British Parliament, her own Conservative Party, and, most importantly of all, the EU. This would give her the maximum masochistic jollies, which is what she really craves from this whole disgusting mess.

Unfortunately, for May, European leaders like Emmanuel Macron and even Angela Merkel have simply been worn down by having to diplomatically bitch slap this mental fuck-bucket across the face time and time again. They are weakening and even developing swollen knuckles.

Back home, May has been holding talks with the Labour Party so that she can also enjoy being humiliated by Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn as well.

As reported by the BBC:

Mr Corbyn had said he was "very happy" to meet Mrs May, and would ensure plans for a customs union and protection of workers' rights were on the table.

However staying in the customs union will only cause May's own Conservative Party MPs to savage her, a further humiliation which the sick, perverted bitch will relish. 

Some analysts have noted that there could be a possibility of some Conservative MPs and the Labour Party agreeing on Britain staying in the EU customs union and offering this to the EU in return for an extension. There is even talk that the DUP might consider supporting this for their own petty Northern Irish reasons

But such a move would almost certainly rip apart the Conservative Party and cause the instant end of May's Prime Ministership. Needless to say this would greatly reduce her chances of being ritualistically abused on the grand scale of European politics. 

What May is clearly aiming at now is to try to trick the EU into believing she is about to offer something radically different, so that they will give her another extension, allowing her to continue her further masochistic cummies. 

The question is whether Macron and Co. will see through her perverted psycho-sexual fantasy and put her out of her masochistic misery or not.

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