Friday 5 April 2019


Trump: Twitter up the shitter?
Another day, another Trump lie -- after constantly over-promising and under-delivering for the past two years, President Donald J (for Joker?) Trump has taken the goodwill he had when he first entered office, doused it with gasoline, and set it on fire -- while also beating it to death with a knobbly stick.

This is ironic because one of the reasons people voted for him in the first place was because they saw him as an antidote to the "fake news" constantly generated by the mainstream media. 

But his recent claim that he was about to shut down the border with Mexico right before doing the exact opposite has revealed the Don to be the "Liar-in-Chief."

On March 30th he tweeted the following:

So, how did that go?

Here's Politico with an update:

Talking to reporters in the White House, Trump said that he would instead give Mexico a “one-year warning” to stop the flow of drugs into the United States and that he would first impose auto tariffs before closing the border.

Several hours later, the president distanced himself further from his previous promises to shut it down.

Before we close the border, we‘ll put the tariffs on the cars,“ he said while speaking to reporters in the Oval Office. “I don‘t think we‘ll ever have to close the border."

In fact it went about as well as his threat to end aid to the Central American countries generating the migrant caravans.

Basically Trump has been doing this for years:

"We're pulling out of Syria!"
"No, we're not."

"We're building a Wall!"
"Or maybe a fence or something."

"We won't tolerate any more killings of Christians in Nigeria"


One of the things that separates us humans from the lower animals is our ability to recognize patterns. Trump die-hards, however, seem happy to remain among the lower animals, swallowing one "get tough" Tweet after another -- although none of them amount to a hill of beans. 

We get it that Trump is limited in what he can do, and although his heart is not quite in the right place, it's not in a particularly bad place either. 

But the problem Trump has now is credibility. His mouth keeps writing checks that his ass has zero ability to cash. Time for him to switch to a policy of under-promising and over-delivering. 

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