Tuesday 2 April 2019


The Gay Nazi, he walks among you. Learn to read the signs.
The only problem that the noble cause of White identitarianism has is that it attracts a lot of disgusting freaks (and Feds) who give it a bad name and stop the normies supporting it in their droves. 

Among the worst subhuman scum who latch onto the completely sensible ideas of protecting your race, nation, and culture from displacement and extinction by the forces of globalism are a disgusting breed known as the "Gay Nazis."

Many, if not all of them, are also paedophiles. Their sick goal is to conflate White identitarianism with Naziism as part of some perverted sexual fantasy, in which they can kill Jews, who they see as ugly, while having lots of gay butt sex with blonde Aryan youths. The go-to text on this question is the excellent The Pink Swastika which you should all read.

The latest case to confirm the "Gay Nazi" thing and show that it is definitely not just a meme is that of Jack Renshaw, who started out as a "youth leader" for the old British Nationalist Party. At the time, the BNP was a fairly decent but heavily demonised ethno-nationalist party, working hard to save Britain from the crazy immigration policies of the Labour Party.

Following the BNP's collapse, Renshaw then went on to to be a leading light in the LARPy-as-fuck National Action group. 

Jack Renshaw
Inspired by retard Alt-Right sites like the Jewish-controlled Daily Stormer and TRS, National Action used to stage toxic pop-up demos and talk tough in their cosy little echo chambers. 

Some of this talk finally got them charged with "plotting" to murder a fat female Labour MP, although just looking at them tells you this was just LARPy Nazi talk of the sort that was common in the troll-world of the Alt-Right a couple of years ago.

But there is more, a lot more. 

Renshaw, it turns out, was also a disgusting gay paedophile who seriously tried to groom young boys for gay sex. This was covered up at his trial for plotting murder and terrorism a couple of years ago -- I wonder why? -- but has all come out now. 

As reported by The Independent:

A neo-Nazi who plotted to murder a Labour MP with a machete is a convicted paedophile who groomed underage boys, it can be revealed.

Jack Renshaw’s past offences could not be reported during his trial for alleged membership of the terrorist group National Action, which was banned over its “racist, antisemitic and homophobic” ideology in 2016.

But restrictions lifted when the jury failed to reach a verdict on charges that Renshaw and two other defendants remained members of the group after it was proscribed.

Renshaw previously admitted plotting to murder Rosie Cooper, the Labour MP for West Lancashire, and a police officer who investigated him for child sex offences.

The 23-year-old was first arrested in January 2017 over speeches where he called for the genocide of Jewish people. He was later jailed for three years for stirring up racial hatred.

Notice that he wasn't actually convicted of plotting murder, but only of the lesser charge of "stirring up racial hatred." This is proof that he was really just guilty of talking shit in a Nazi-retard echo chamber. 

Still, it's probably a good thing that useless little scumbags like Renshaw get locked up for that, as White nationalism has enough of these toxic little wankers infesting it.

"Grindr" Greg Johnson - conflating saving the 
White race with gay Hitler cummies since 2010
Really, some of the details of the case remind me of the recent revelations about Grindr Greg Johnson from the Pilleater Tapes -- the same kind of sleazy attempts to "groom" younger, sexually-confused males for gay sex and Nazi purposes. 

Read on:

Police who seized his phone as part of that investigation discovered evidence that he had groomed underage boys online.

A court heard that he set up two fake Facebook profiles and contacted the boys, aged 13 and 14, between February 2016 and January 2017.

Communicating via the Facebook messenger app, the former British National Party youth wing leader boasted to the youngsters that he was rich, could give them jobs and offered one of them £300 to spend the night with him.

He also requested intimate photographs of the pair before one of the boys reported the messages to his tutor and the police were contacted, a jury was told.

Investigations led to the seizure of two BlackBerry phones from Renshaw’s then family address in Blackpool, Lancashire.

Another two phones belonging to Renshaw were later recovered and they showed evidence of searches for homosexual pornography.

When interviewed, he told police he was a straight virgin who did not believe in sex outside of marriage, and viewed homosexuality as “unnatural”.

Renshaw told a jury at Preston Crown Court that counter-extremist group Hope Not Hate had maliciously hacked his mobile phones to send messages of a sexual nature to the teenagers.

But jurors did not believe him and convicted him of four counts of inciting a child to engage in sexual activity.

He was placed on the sex offenders’ register for 10 years and was told by Judge Robert Altham his 16-month jail term would start after he has completed his sentence for inciting racial hatred.

Right. I hope that helps. 

If you meet a "fellow" nationalist or identitarian and they start "Hitler signalling" (e.g. making excuses for Hitler, saying the Jews started WWII, praising the German autobahn system out of context, liking the films of Liza Minelli, etc.) then there are two main possibilities -- they are either a Fed or a gay Nazi fucktard who will turn your movement to shit. 

Also, try not to be that person yourself, even if you are gay.

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