Monday 22 April 2019


It looks like the Left just can't bring itself to use the word "Christian" anymore. Nor can it use the term "Muslim" in a negative context. 

In the wake of the Muslim terror attacks in Colombo, Sri Lanka, in which around 300 people -- mainly Christians -- were murdered, leading members of the Democratic Party, including Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, wanted to tweet out messages deploring the attack and expressing sympathy for the victims. 

But unfortunately, because the victims were Christians instead of Muslims, and the attackers were Muslim, this proved to be very difficult, and led to some innovative use of language. 

First of all the attackers were not even mentioned, creating the surreal impression that the attacks had just mysteriously happened out of nothing. As for the Christian victims, they were renamed "Easter worshippers" for some obscure reason known only to Leftists:

OK, let's try and be generous. Maybe they just wanted to stop this being about groups of people at a time of religious tension in order to prevent further violence. Sounds plausible and even laudable, doesn't it?

But if so, how did they respond to earlier terrorist attacks that targetted Muslims? Did  they follow the same path of de-escalation, avoiding the M-word and ignoring the identity and motive of the attackers? 

Did they heck!

Here they are tweeting about the recent attack in New Zealand in which around 50 Muslims were killed:

Yup, no mention of "Koran readers," "mat prayers," or "Ramadan worshippers" there. It's straight to "Muslim community" and "White supremacist murderers" driven by "hatred" etc. 

Jeez, it's almost as if they were trying to start a race war or something. 

Compared to the "Muslim community" attacked in New Zealand, the Christians "Easter Worshippers" in Colombo don't have communities apparently. 

In fact there is no such thing as a "Christian," as far as Obama and Hillary are concerned, just random unconnected people who turn up to "worship Easter," and mysteriously get blown to fuck by mysterious explosions. 

Clown world!

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