Sunday 21 April 2019


Imagine if this guy had become President of the USA. That's what has just happened in the Ukraine today.
A Jewish comedian, who has a show in which he plays the President of the Ukraine, has now made that fictitious story into fact, after exit polls showed him with an unbeatable 73% of the vote. 

Volodymyr Zelenskiy, 41, defeated sitting president Petro Poroshenko, 53, after a campaign in which Poroshenko tried to present himself as a proud nationalist standing up to Russian aggression while Zelenskiy tapped into some of the populist "outsider" energy that is becoming an increasingly important factor in elections around the World and campaigned on fighting corruption.

Outsider Zelenskiy
Here is the Jewish Post celebrating the news:

The apparent landslide victory of Volodymyr Zelenskiy, 41, is a bitter blow for incumbent Petro Poroshenko who tried to rally Ukrainians around the flag by casting himself as a bulwark against Russian aggression and a champion of Ukrainian identity.

Zelenskiy was born in 1978 to Jewish parents and seems set to become Ukraine's first Jewish president. Ukraine's Prime Minister Volodymyr Groysman is also Jewish.

Two national exit polls showed Zelenskiy had won 73 percent of the vote with Poroshenko winning just 25 percent. Early voting data suggested the polls were accurate.

Zelenskiy, who plays a fictitious president in a popular TV series, is now poised to take over the leadership of a country on the frontline of the West's standoff with Russia following Moscow's annexation of Crimea and support for a pro-Russian insurgency in eastern Ukraine.

Declaring victory at his campaign headquarters to emotional supporters, Zelenskiy promised he would not let the Ukrainian people down.

"I'm not yet officially the president, but as a citizen of Ukraine, I can say to all countries in the post-Soviet Union look at us. Anything is possible!"

Zelenskiy has made lots of big promises, claiming that he will end the war in the eastern Donbass region, root out corruption (LOL), and improve living standards, which have been sliding for years. 

But it is also highly significant that Zelenskiy is Jewish, because the Prime Minister of the country Volodymyr Groysman is also Jewish. 

Why is this a problem you might naively ask? Simply because Jews are only 0.3% of this overwhelmingly Christian country, which also has a long tradition of deep distrust and brutal violence between Christians and Jews. 

With both top positions in Jewish hands, when things go wrong, average Ukrainian citizens are likely to blame Jews as a group rather than just the specific politicians involved. This means that Zelenskiy's presidency could also see a sharp rise in anti-Semitism. 

In fact, the oddity of having a tiny minority dominating the government in this way, could spark off anti-Semitism -- even if things go well!

In that case Zelenskiy may really need his wisecracking skills.

A bellwether issue could be the fate of PrivatBank, the Ukraine's largest lender. This was previously owned by billionaire media mogul Ihor Kolomoisky, who just happens to be Jewish and has close links with Zelenskiy. Kolomoisky's TV channel broadcasted Zelenskiy's comedy shows.

PrivatBank, contrary to its name, was nationalized in 2016, as part of a banking system clean-up. 

Kolomoisky wants to get back control. If Zelenskiy helps him to achieve this or else rewards him with generous compensation, then you can be sure that this "outsider" populist is just as corrupt as any insider like the defeated President Petro Poroshenko.

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