Thursday 7 March 2019


It just hasn't been a good year for Greg Johnson, the Chief Editor of Counter-Currents, the Alt-Right book publisher and website. 

After releasing his magnum opus "The White Nationalist Manifesto," it was soon discovered by our eagle-eyed staff that the book's cover was clearly based on the sleeve image for the gay porn video "Poor Little White Boy 3" -- possibly from a copy in Greg's private collection.

Next up was the proof that, yes, Johnson was an actual gay, rather than just a misunderstood metrosexual with a campy voice (like Richard Spener). 

This emerged from a recording leaked onto the internet by Pilleater, a well-known eccentric kid who has been hanging around the Alt-Right scene for the last few years.

You might say, "Gay, so what?" but the fact is that Johnson's economic niche is selling books to right-wingers (and also hitting them up for donations) and most of these people don't take too kindly to having their movement colonised by a clique of gay Nazis out to groom young and impressionable nationalists, as revealed by the recording. 

Then, as if that blow wasn't enough, a few days later Amazon decided to ban most of Counter-Currents's titles, greatly cutting into Johnson's revenue stream. Johnson's response was perhaps the most cringey meme campaign in Alt-Right history:

So bad it woke me up so I could continue writing this article...

Let's face it, the guy memes like a Leftist. This should not be surprising because, apart from his Hitler fetishism and hatred of Jews, the guy is basically a Leftist on 99% of all issues.

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Now, the most recent blow to hit Johnson are revelations about his business dealings with Mike Polignano, the actual co-founder, along with Johnson, of Counter-Currents in 2010. From the details it appears that Johnson actually "jewed" his business partner out of 50% of the Counter-Currents publishing empire when the poor guy was spending time in the nuthouse.

The full story was contained in an online conversation between Arktos Chief Editor Daniel Friberg and Polignano, which Friberg posted on Twitter in response to accusations by Johnson that he was part of an "Alt-Right mafia" of "alcoholics & their enablers." 

The conversation took place two years ago, according to Friberg. Here are the screenshots he posted:

And here's a partial text transcript of the conversation:

Mike Polignano: "I had met other right-wing academics before him, but he was the first who was completely redpilled about race and the Jewish Question. So of course we bonded, and being only 20 years old at the time I looked up to him and we became close friends."

"His sexuality only became evident to me later, as did other personal shortcomings of his. But I didn't allow that to break our friendship. Of course, he was not a public figure back then, so he didn't really matter in terms of the greater cause. Now he does, or at least his actions do, so it's a very different situation."

"As you already know he and I lived and worked together under the same roof. So suffice it to say there were many other complications I will not discuss."

Daniel Friberg: "I understand and agree with that position. And for the record, even though I have also known of his orientation for some time (it seems like something of an "open secret" that most people know of but few talk about), I have never used it to attack him publicly, or even attacked him publicly at all. "

"And I assume it didn't turn out so well in the end? Considering you are no longer working together?"

Mike Polignano: "2013 was the worst year of my life. I lost everything. Except my life."

"I should have been set stronger boundaries with him early on, and I should have confronted him about certain issues rather than deferring."

Daniel Friberg: "What did he do to you?"

Mike Polignano: "We had sort of sick codependency. I allowed him to speak for me instead of speaking for myself. Also after a while I began feeling like the bitch in the relationship, handling all the shit work and "housekeeping" chores needed to keep a business running while he engaged with the world and became the face of Counter-Currents."

"Greg thought it wisest to lock me up in a mental hospital rather than trying to stay with me and understand my reality. He told the psychiatrists the loaded gun I kept in the house -- which he knew about and was okay with my keeping for defensive purposes during a time we were receiving threats against our physical safety -- he told the doctors I had no justification for having it."

"I got committed, had my civil rights [and gun ownership rights] stripped away, and was forced to take antipsychotic medication under threat of state-sanctioned violence."

Daniel Friberg: "That must have felt like quite a betrayal though. He didn't have to tell them about the gun, after all."

Mike Polignano: "It absolutely did feel like a betrayal. No, he didn't have to do that. It lead to a situation where I was held beyond 72 hours with that being the justification. I was hospitalized several times that summer. I signed my shares away when I was not of sound mind."

Daniel Friberg: "Wow, and Greg didn't give them back when you had recovered?"

Mike Polignano: "No, he didn't. Greg told me he would dissolve the company and create a new one if I were to do that. Which would make our dispute public. He would just move all of Counter-Currents' customers and readers to the new company. I'm not sure there's anything I could do to prevent that, making the shares worthless."

So, that's Greg Johnson for you! The guy who's supposedly going to "save the White race" can't even deal fairly with the one guy who helped him set up Counter-Currents. Instead, he kicks him when he's down by getting him to sign away his shares when he's "not of sound mind." And this is the same Alt-Right paragon who's always blaming the Jews for being deceitful, self-serving, and dishonest. The irony is overpowering. 


  1. shaking my damn really does not pay to get too heavily involved in this dissident Right stuff

  2. this article reeks of jealousy. it is pure colin liddell, the omega male incel who never had the balls to make a public alt right speech.

    1. Why would I be envious? ("jealous" has a completely different meaning than the one you think, moron). "Incel" - that's a laugh. I've had more pussy than anyone in the Alt-Right, and not boy-pussy like you and your friends. Also done a fair bit of public speaking. But we all know why Greggy likes to go on those little cruising trips, sorry - "speaking" trips.

    2. UNKNOWN, your comment adds nothing to this fascinating debate and is scheduled for deletion.

  3. whether you like it or not, colin, greg johnson is blowing you away in terms of influence. no one even knows who you are, you sad little boy.

    1. Johnson fag in the comments. Tell us what Scotcho, which part of the above article about your gay boyfriend is factually untrue?

    2. Anon, feel free to criticise homosexuality all you like, but please avoid the use of bad language like the F-word. Thanks!

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Yeah, there is evidence of yours 2

    5. Funny how you provide zero data or links when you say that.

      Anyway, what are you? Some kind of homophobe? My interest in Johnson's homosexuality is to the degree that it determines his unhealthy fascination with Naziism and then tries to conflate White nationalism with that toxifying brand.

  4. If one reads between the lines of the Polignano-Friberg exchange, it's clear Greg Johnson made repeated homosexual advances (attempted homosexual assault?) against Michael Polignano when Polignano stated that he "didn't want to talk about". It's clear what that unspoken subject pertained to. Coupled with Johnson's recorded admissions to others about "grooming" young and "cute" alt-right attendees, these members of the gay blades are definitely out to "flirt" their way between as many butt cheeks as they can. I recommend Aids tests for all of them.

  5. Read the Pink Swastika. Tells you all you need to know about the likes of Johnson and Spencer.

    1. Excellent reading recommendation. I have ordered it.


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