Tuesday 29 January 2019


To rise to the top of the Democratic Party these days you need to be either a male-hating, White-hating ethnic female, like #SexyDonkey Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, or else a total Commie. 

If you're a White man that means being a total Commie is the only path to success, which is how we almost got Bernie Sanders in 2016 instead of Hillary.

Now Sanders is in the running yet again for the upcoming 2020 Presidential race, with the Socialist Senator from Vermont getting a boost from an old video from 1988. Filmed while on his honeymoon in the Soviet Union, this shows him singing a Commie song with a bunch of Commies while apparently drunk and naked.

Strangely, this vid was released by Sander's extremely foolish rivals, at least according to the well-known Jewish Leftist publication Forward:

Travis Justin, a Navy veteran and leader of “Draft Beto 2020,” a group that is urging Texas representative Beto O’Rourke to seek presidential election, apparently first posted the video to Twitter. “Recently discovered footage from 1988 reveals a shirtless Bernie Sanders with his wife, Jane, on their honeymoon in the USSR, drunkenly singing ‘This Land Is Your Land’ with a group of presumed Soviets,” Justin captioned the clip, which was surfaced by another Sanders detractor on Twitter.

Little do they realise what they have done, as this will be like catnip to the Dem base. Instead of ending his campaign it will only boost Bernie's chances of blowing away the competition, especially a milquetoast soft-Leftist White boy like Beta O'Rourke.

Possible 2020 election poster

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