Sunday 9 December 2018


Marxism has been in decline almost from the moment it was born. 

Touting itself as an infallible predictor of socio-economic events, it completely failed, predicting that the first Communist revolution would happen in Germany, when in fact it happened in Russia, a thousand miles away!!!

Marxism was also totally wrong about the growing oppression of workers in the most developed countries. Instead of being pushed into extreme poverty, their living conditions kept improving, plus they also got welfare and electricity. 

Not only that but Marxism also fucked up the economic prospects of any country that came under its spell.

In fact Marxism was so bad at economics that it just decided to knock that on the head and concentrate instead on "tranny" and gender fluidity politics, areas that were so messed up to begin with that any additional messing up by Marxism would be hard to detect.

So, with Marxism being in an ideological tailspin for decades, it should come as no surprise to hear that the leading Marxist intellectual in the World today is now a washed-up Hollywood THOT with fake fun bags and a face like a Barbie doll melted with a blow torch.

51-year-old former "Baywatch" star Pamela Anderson is famous for running round in a bikini, posing in Playboy, and having her sex tapes spread on the internet -- an early case of "Wikileaks" as her present boyfriend is also Julian Assange, whom she regularly visits in the Ecuadorian embassy in London to give a little hand relief. 

But now Marxists around the World are increasingly looking to Anderson as the thought leader for their largely discredited ideology. In fact, so smitten with her are they that they wait eagerly like pathetic beta orbiters for her "hot takes" on dialectical materialism.

For example a recent headline in The Stranger read "Former Baywatch Sex Icon Pamela Anderson Provides Excellent Marxist Breakdown of French Riots," then went on to comment:

Political upheavals are as French as eating frog legs. That kind of thing. But Anderson makes it clear that the riots aren't genetic or recrudescent. They are indeed addressing a real problem that is specific to our post-social democracy, post-crash moment...

What happened, according Anderson, is this. The French government, which is currently led by President Macron, recently announced a tax increase on gas for the noble purpose of making people use other means of transportation that are more climate-friendly. But this backfired because it simply punished those who—in the middle and working classes—are condemned to use cars (a luxury) for basic needs. And there is more.

Pamela Anderson:

"The French state encouraged people to buy diesel fuelled cars for many years. For example, in 2016, 62% of cars in France were diesel cars, as well as 95% of all vans and small lorries. So it is no wonder that many people view the new policy as a total betrayal."

So, is this an unenlightened riot? Are the working and middle classes resisting the the realities of climate change? No. There is more to consider.

Pamela Anderson:

"Getting a new [fuel efficient or electric] car is probably not a big deal for President Macron and his ministers. But it is way too difficult for many people who are already financially stretched to the max. Many poor people will not be able to get to work, especially if there is no reliable public transport in place throughout. Many old people will not be able to get to the shops or to the doctor."

The essential problem is, the rich are making the poor and working classes bear the costs of what should be an equitable response to the ever-growing climate crisis.

Pamela Anderson:

"Some people might think that Yellow Vests are fighting against good policies that aim to reduce carbon emissions. But let's not forget that it is the world's richest 10% who are responsible for nearly 50% of total lifestyle consumption emissions."

But what about the violence? The riots have, according to reports, resulted in four deaths, the collapse of the rule of law, the criminal destruction of property, and the shut down of "beloved tourist attractions like the Eiffel Tower and the Louvre." Isn't this a bad thing. Shouldn't protests be peaceful?

Pamela Anderson:

...[T]he critics of "violent riots" pretend that the current capitalist society is non-violent. Violence is a part of modern society and comes in many forms."

Other Marxist intellectuals, like Slavoj Zizek, have frequently "borrowed" ideas and terminology from Anderson. Concepts like "structural violence" and the post-revolutionary idea of "the day after" are clearly drawn from Anderson's frequent blogs and tweets:

Zizek is a leading Marxist intellectual too, but he can't compete with Anderson because his tits are too small, plus he has not yet participated in a sex tape capable of seizing the "means of re-production." 

Thanks to Anderson's frequent visits to the Ecuadorian embassy in London, she is also playing an increasing role in British politics. In a recent blog post, she gave expert Marxist analysis of Brexit and also threw her support behind revolutionary Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn.

"I have been following the situation very closely and I fully support the position of Jeremy Corbyn, the Labour party leader (leader of the opposition). Ok, I admit it, I have a little political crush on Jeremy Corbyn. He is a politician whose integrity I absolutely and unconditionally admire. But that is another matter for another time...[watch this space]"

However, critics of Anderson contend that she is not worthy to be ranked with the true greats in the Marxist pantheon, because she has not yet wiped out tens of millions of "class traitors" like Vladimir Lenin, Joseph Stalin, Mao Zedong, and Pol Pot did. 

The truth is that she has actually far exceeded them. 

If we count each sperm as half a human life, as sensible Trad Catholics do, and then acknowledge all the revolutionary fapping that Miss Anderson's skin-tight swimwear costumes and jiggling tits caused in her 1980s heyday, then we arrive at a truly astronomical figure for the number of "deaths" caused by this luminary genius of modern Marxism.

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