Monday 10 December 2018


Lloyd Russell-Moyle, a GAY!!!! Labour Member of the UK Parliament, who has been HIV POSITIVE!!!!! for the last ten years, went MAD!!!! yesterday in the House of Commons and actually grabbed the Royal Mace.

The Royal Mace is a large golden object, kept on brackets at the end of the Table of the House, situated between the two sides of the chamber. It represents the Queen's authority and is an important symbol of Britain's parliamentary system. Without it the House cannot meet or pass laws. 

The incident happened during a heated day of debate regarding the issue of Brexit. 

Luckily Russell-Moyle, who is a fanatical supporter of hard-left Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn, was stopped before he could do any damage or attack someone with the Mace.

As a 31 year-old gay man with almost no political career to speak of, Russell-Moyle was given the safe Labour seat of Brighton Kemptown in last year's general election simply because of his sexual orientation, which he had openly revealed.

A few days ago, he also revealed that he had been HIV positive for ten years -- yes, TEN YEARS!!!! -- meaning that he has been kept alive by very expensive AIDs drugs paid for by the hard-pressed British taxpayer. 

Russell-Moyle claims that because of these drugs he is able to enjoy an active sex life without passing on his deadly disease to his sexual partners:

...I am what the NHS calls “HIV-positive undetectable”. That means not only can HIV not be detected in my system and so I do not get sick, but I cannot transmit HIV to someone else. As the virus lie undetectable and dormant in my body, my medication ensures that the virus does not reactivate, does not progress and cannot be passed on. That is why the NHS says “undetectable equals untransmittable”... Understanding that I was unable to transmit HIV sexually has been life-changing, too. I went from thinking that I would never have a HIV-negative partner, or that if I had sex with someone, I could pass this on, to knowing that I can live a normal life and that any partner I have is totally protected. I cannot transmit HIV to my sexual partner, I have a perfectly healthy life..."

One possible explanation for Russell-Moyle's burst of insanity is that it is some weird side effect of the drugs he is taking. But whatever the reason, he is clearly entirely unsuited to be a Member of Parliament. 

On the same day another of Labour's "affirmative action" picks, MP, Rupa Huq, who is of Muslim Bangladeshi background, ludicrously accused the Prime Minister of "premature ejaculation." 

Yeh, I have no idea why either.

If the quality of Labour MPs sinks any lower than it already has, then it is clear that they will have be hosed off the floor of the House of Commons every night like nuggets of shit or scraped off the benches with a trowel like globules of scum. 

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