Friday 7 December 2018


The result was never in doubt. With defence counsel provided by the same state that was prosecuting him, Alex Fields had little chance of a fair trial in Charlottesville. The Left wanted murder and they got murder, even though to most fair-minded people it looked more like manslaughter. 

But what comes next? 

Now, with Richard Spencer's Alt-Right officially connected to an actual murder, the next step will undoubtedly be another spate of deplatforming by Big Tech of Alt and Dissident Right sites, channels, and accounts. 

Expect to see YouTube channels like "Heel Turn," which Spencer is now hosting, shut down. Even Spencer's beloved Twitter account, where he seems to spend most of his time, could be in danger. That would probably kill him if he lost that.

Fields, another victim of Spencer's narcissism and fecklessness.
Really, if the Alt-Right had been serious about staying in business they would have tried a lot harder to save their guy Fields from the kangaroo court in Charlottesville by paying for a proper defence team. But even if they had raised millions of dollars -- impossible for them to do now -- I don't think anyone would have taken the case. 

That is literally how toxic Spencer has made the Alt-Right through his reckless associations with the likes of Mike "Edge Cases" Enoch and various people from the Nazi-presenting Daily Stormer, including even Weev and Anglin in the past. He can't say he wasn't warned because he was. 

In the same way that a few careless Nazi memes can get a young kid convicted of murder nowadays, so allowing your movement to become indelibly associated with White Nationalism 1.0 stupidity can get it entirely deplatformed. But, hey, but maybe that's what Spencer's wanted all along. 


  1. It's nice to have the contrast with the Yellow Vest people as this trial is concluded. Doubtless the Euro Elite are scrambling to find a French Spencer or Enoch to destroy the Yellow Vests with.

    (White) People want a society pretty much like the one they grew up in, except without the threat of people who hate them and want them dead. They don't want Hitler, Naziism, or even a return to the bad old days of the Good Ol Boys network. They want to wake up in a society just like the one they went to sleep in, except without the "coalition of the ascendant" blacks, Mexicans, single mothers.

    Thus, the winning movement can't even be right wing in particular, but a movement of racial unity en route to a government of racial unity. Average folk have to be more afraid of white genocide then the movement (a slam dunk that Spencer and co managed to foul up).

    How did the SELF-STYLED "Triumverate" of Enoch, Anglin, and Spencer accomplish this fiasco? Quite simply, they only told those young impressionable men things they wanted to hear. Telling harsh truths tends to reduce one's popularity and viewership and that would be counterproductive to their goal of attention, however essential it is for ultimate victory.

    The harsh truth is that virtue, a difficult path, is the path to victory, not indulging one's rage, fear, and vice. That the people with status today will likely have status in the "ethnostate" as status is largely a product of innate value, which no amount of street fighting can change in a man. That no amount of political intervention will make a marginal man attractive to women - molecular biology again. Thus the fight will largely benefit the free loading cowards and fence-sitters rather than the heroic, as it always does. Harsh truths: are there any other kind?

  2. eh, I doubt anything can be done, but the blood of our ancestors calls out to us--"avenge me!"


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