Sunday 9 December 2018


The globalists working towards a homogenized world slave state (aka GLOBOHOMO) have responded to an uprising in their North Western EU province (formerly known as France) by unleashing their brutal fascist police thugs. 

As the pictures above show, innocent French civilians have borne the brunt of these violent and sadistic attacks, by which GLOBOHOMO is trying to crush what is now becoming known as the "European Spring," as the Yellow Jacket demonstrations now spread to other provinces of the GLOBOHOMO empire. 

In Paris, police thugs used steel truncheons, rubber bullets, percussion grenades, and tear gas to attack innocent civilians, protesting against the puppet leader Macron, who was installed last year as "French Preseident" after the globalists stole the previous French election from Marine Le Pen of the Front National. 

Thousands of people have been injured and arrested, with undercover "snatch squads" seizing anyone they see providing leadership to the masses.

In a Machiavellian attempt to undermine the Yellow Jacket movement, GLOBOHOMO has already given in to the demonstrators' initial demand -- the removal of a "green" tax on diesel fuel. 

So-called green taxes, by the way, is how GLOBOHOMO tries to "moralise" its oppression so that people will not resist. In the same way, they "moralise" mass immigration and the lowering of wages by "anti-racist" and "anti-hate" rhetoric.  

Remember, whenever you hear these terms you are in the presence of GLOBOHOMO and its acolytes and zombies.

Despite the concession on fuel tax, the Yellow Jacket movement continues to grow as there is no other means of opposing Macron and the GLOBOHOMO hegemony in the former country of France. Macron does not face election until 2022 -- and they can steal that too -- plus his fake party has a massive majority in Parliament, following media and electoral manipulation. 

Quite simply the Yellow Jackets are the only oppositional force in this part of the GLOBOHOMO Empire. 

The other demands of the Yellow Jackets are believed to include:

1. The Resignation of Macron
2. More tax on the rich
3. Less tax on the working class and middle class
4. An end to mass immigration
5. Rejection of the so-called "Global Compact for Safe, Orderly, and Regular Migration"
6. Frexit

See a full list HERE.

As the uprising continues, GLOBOHOMO is preparing to crack down even more, with the next target being social media. 

GLOBOHOMO is already putting pressure on Facebook, which has recently been "under assault" by George Soros.

Frederic Filloux
On December 3, Frederic Filloux, the former editor of Libération, one of the mainstream newspapers in Paris, penned a vile screed on Medium outlining the establishment's line of attack on social media:

The social network is playing a critical role in one of the worst civil unrests ever seen in France, with no end in sight for now.

He explained that Facebook was essential to the Yellow Jackets:

"On Saturday, 166,000 people carrying the iconic outfit— invented by some Scottish railway workers in the 1960’s and which is a mandatory equipment in French cars — were on deck. In Paris, the demonstration turned violent with scores of destructions. Firefighters responded to 249 arsons of cars and stores.

I spent my entire afternoon there. Nearly all the people I talked to admitted to relying on Facebook to get informed in real-time on the unfolding events. In France, 63 percent of internet users are on Facebook.

The country is served by a remarkable cellular infrastructure that is relatively inexpensive and reliable (laws have been passed to force carriers to progressively cover 100 percent of the territory). The result is countless selfies, videos, and live blogging, which fueled anger and fantasy. Above all, Facebook provided an incredibly efficient logistical support for hundreds of demonstrations large and small across the country."

He then called the social network toxic and called for it to be curtailed in some as-yet-unspecified way:

As the absolute amplifier and radicalizer of the popular anger, Facebook has demonstrated its toxicity to the democratic process...

Despite their incredible negligence, Facebook’s management is safe. Zuckerberg controls its board and his number two, Sheryl Sandberg, can’t decently be fired, protected by the “Lean In” flak vest. But Facebook needs more than ever to be regulated one way or another. A reasonable way would be to split Facebook, WhatsApp, and Instagram, all currently deeply interconnected.

Leonid Beshidsky

Filloux’s arguments are also being echoed in other parts of the GLOBOHOMO intelligentsia, like Leonid Bershidsky in Bloomberg who writes:

"There’s nothing democratic about the emergence of Facebook group administrators as spokespeople for what passes for a popular movement... It’s time to cast away any remaining illusions that social networks can play a positive role in promoting democracy and freedom... A free society can’t ban Facebook, or even completely regulate away its hate-enhancing function; but it should be aware of the risk Facebook and similar platforms pose to democratic institutions."

Casey Newton, the Silicon Valley editor at The Verge, is also singing from the GLOBOHOMO hymn sheet on this topic and openly discussing ways of stifling public opinion:

“Think about how the Yellow Vests came about. A political decision was made, and discussed on Facebook. A small group began discussing it in groups. Algorithms and viral sharing mechanics promoted the group posts most likely to get engagement into the News Feed. Over the next few months, the majority of France that uses Facebook saw a darker, angrier reflection of their country in the News Feed than perhaps actually existed. In time, perception became reality. And now Arc de Triomphe is under attack.”

It is clear what the GLOBOHOMO agenda is here - 

FIRST: crush the uprising on the streets with extreme violence

SECOND: diffuse the uprising with a few unimportant concessions 

THIRD: neuter social media permanently as a means of generating legitimate dissent. 

The correct response to this is to overthrow the Globalist oligarchy and its tools through the democratically expressed will of the people. There are now many ways to vote.

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