Friday 2 November 2018


It was recently revealed that Richard Spencer, the perpetually failing leader of the Alt-Right, who is widely suspected to be a secret gay, had been involved in a "beard marriage" -- i.e. a fake one undertaken to hide his dodgy double life -- after the woman playing the part of his wife, Nina the Russian, filed for divorce

The next twist in the Spencer saga -- which looks every inch like a badly-written soap opera -- is that Spencer has found a "replacement" for Nina, a woman by the name of Megan Bobonick, who...wait for it...just happens to be a f**king liberal!!!!!!

While Spencer likes sieg hailing, talking about the ethnostate, and admiring the nude Aryan sculptures of Arno Becker, Megan loves egalitarianism and posing in front of gay pride flags with her new boyfriend. 

Luckily they both like Depeche Mode.

But this poorly-written soap opera doesn't stop there. Now it has literally jumped the shark, with the two women in Spencer's fucked-up double life going to war with each other, like the two Siamese fighting fish in Spencer's least favourite Bond movie "From Russia with Love." 

Bobonik has just posted a statement on Medium entitled "The Other Half" in which she accuses Nina of trying to "reinstate control" over Spencer and being behind various threats and libels against her:

Over the last year, I have been engaged in a romantic relationship with Richard Spencer. He is my friend, my companion, my boyfriend, and my opposite in many ways. As we have grown to know each other, I have been at the mercy of Nina Kouprianova and her various attempts to reinstate control over Richard and their marriage after their separation. I have faced threats, harassment, and the creation of libelous websites. She has contacted my friends, employers, and even my hair salon in order to gain sympathy while making me feel cornered. These do not sound like the actions of a woman seeking to exit an abusive relationship.

I understand that through this process I was often faced with the decision to cease seeing Richard in an effort to regain what I once had in my usual life: job security, certainty of my safety, and better search results online. 

Yup, "better search results online"! That's modern love for you. 

She's also trying to shoot down Nina's narrative that Spencer is a violent, wife-beating Neo-Nazi thug so that she can get her hands on Spencer's cotton plantation, and here's me thinking daytime TV dramas were dead!

Like any couple does, we do have arguments, some of which are quite heated, but none of these exchanges have ever made me feel unsafe. Though we are two individuals filled with passion, and though our jagged edges sometimes create friction, our altercations are brief and have never remotely pointed in the direction of physical violence.

Read the full statement here.

Honestly, I no longer have any idea what's "really" going on in Spencer's life, or care. Like his metapolitical career, it's just one car crash after another. I just wish that whoever's writing this tawdry script would at least inject a little bit of realism into it to keep this LOLcow alive a little longer.


  1. I wish them both every happiness.

  2. dood....I love spencer...because he rejects white guilt and he is educated...and I love andy and colin for much the same reasons....why fight?

  3. This is the one thing I find difficult to understand. Spencer is entirely correct about our situation and the solutions we need. This sorta tabloid journalism is beneath you.

    1. I completely agree. Unfortunately our stats suggest that this kind of story is popular with our readers, who seem to think that Spencer is a completely self-obsessed, trust fund fuck-up, so have to keep them coming.

      If they were slightly less popular I could maybe find an excuse to slightly lower their frequency. Try to help out by not clicking on stories like this in future.

  4. I am not a fan of Richard Dickenhorst Spencer because of his many avoidable mistakes, like the infamous sucker punch when he should've had security people protecting him from that. Common sense. But I have no problems with his message, and were I his professor he would've received a B-, which is not bad but shows need for improvement. As for his personal life, admittedly it's funny (at times) to paint him with the "secret gay" brush. But as one who has opposed the inclusion of gays (openly) in white nationalism, Dickie Dickenhorst is not, in my estimation, of that persuasion. Yes, he's a bit twinkle-toes ebullient at times, but he's never claimed to be James Bond (or has he?) Anyway, painting people as being gay when they've been married, fathered two children, and are seen in the romantic company of females is acceptable evidence that they are not - until concrete proof to the contrary. This is a tactic of the Left (think Lindsey Graham 2.0) and should not be practiced by us. Yes, I get it. It's tempting to bash those on our side as such when they've crossed us. As to his new girlfriend, she knows Richie Rich is destined to inherit at least a million (or more) when mommy croaks, and she wants a piece a dat. And she's determined that that Russian bitch don't git none. In the end, men want snatch and women want scratch. And this new bitch is determined to get it. PS: I suggest new stories on Richie (keep 'em coming) should be called "The Jagged Edge", based on Megan Bobonick's own words.

  5. Enough already. Most of us have figured out by now that Spencer is not exactly leadership material. You might as well drop it.

    1. While what you say is perfectly plausible, Mencken once said " “No one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public.” So, if you can you get me a signed petition to prove your point we could maybe take your request to the next step.


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