Friday 2 November 2018


Nottingham to be non-English! "Hood" have thought it?
When you hear the word Nottingham, you probably think of Middle England, Nottingham Forest, and those great English heroes Robin Hood and Friar Tuck. But this once famous English city, that bravely stood up to the Normans in the past, is now succumbing to mass invasion and colonisation from the Third World and Eastern Europe. 

According to the local Labour-run council, the city of 321,550 will be majority non-English in 10 to 15 years, and the Left is rubbing its hands at all those extra votes.

As reported by NottinghamshireLive, a local news site which doesn't seem too broken-up over racial replacement of the local English population:

White British people will be the minority in Nottingham in 10 to 15 years, a senior councillor has said. In some areas - St Ann’s, Leen Valley and Berridge - the majority of people were non-white British several years ago.

In the 2001 census, the percentage of people who identify themselves as something other than white British was 19 percent. In 2011 it was 35 percent. Currently, Nottingham City Council estimates around 42 percent of people in the city are non white-British.

Senior councillor Toby Neal said there has been a sizeable change in recent years, but said Nottingham is one of the most tolerant and inclusive places in the country. He said white British people becoming the minority was a matter of when and not if, and that it would likely happen in the next 10 to 15 years.

The diversity in Nottingham is caused by two main factors: mass immigration from the Third World, promoted by previous Labour and Conservative governments, and mass immigration from poor Eastern European countries in the EU -- again promoted by previous Labour and Conservative governments. Yes, those parties that most English people actually vote for.

It simply isn't "Friar" what is happening to the English.
But, what about Brexit? Isn't that going to have any effect on this "de-Englishing" process? Yes, but not so that would notice:

However Nottingham Trent University academic Chris Lawton said Brexit uncertainties were causing the immigration rate to slow, and if it happened it would likely take more than 15 years.

Anyway, once Brexit is done and dusted, no doubt the Labour Party or the Tory Party -- whichever one runs Britain post-Brexit -- will take it as a green light to boost immigration from the Third World.

But don't worry English people. Apparently you'll be just fine as a diminishing minority in your own city. At least according to "Nottingham Together," a council-funded organisation which aims to "improve cohesion." 

I'm not sure what that phrase means but I'm pretty sure it includes: 

"Don't complain about your racial replacement or we'll call you a racist, get you fired, and lock you up."

This amount of oppression of the English certainly calls for a new Robin Hood!

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