Sunday 11 November 2018


People who like to have a tidy view of the World aren't going to like this one little bit, but a video by TheTruthSeeker69 has raised the possibility that the new Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh may in fact be the same person as Christine Blasey Ford, the woman who tried to prevent his appointment with obviously made-up allegations of sexual misconduct.

TheTruthSeeker69 puts forward the tentative theory that this was part of some weird humiliation ritual by the secretive ruling elite of the World to ensure power over Kavanaugh. But, really, that guess is as good as anyone's, if the basic premise is true, namely that Kavanaugh appeared at his confirmation hearings, both as himself and then as a person of the opposite gender accusing himself of attempted rape.

People familiar with Chaos Magic may be able to speculate on what is going on here. 

Are the elites, for example, planning to simply abolish gender differences at some time in the future, and is this strange performance therefore a Satanic invocation of that desire?

We at Trad News hesitate to offer an opinion, except to say that the World is not a neat and tidy place that is always guaranteed to make sense. The controversies surrounding 9-11 point firmly in that direction.

The basic choice we are offered in the present day is to be a sceptic or a dupe. The former course seems the more empowering, especially if you choose to be as sceptical of your own scepticism.


  1. Another stupid, inane, pointless, and irrelevant article (?) or whatever the fuck two idiots named Nowicki & Liddell put up to waste people's time. Between this shit and those stupid YouTube videos that "unwanted man" named Nonookie puts up to a dozen or so views is pathetic. No wonder Spencer dumped you two jokers long ago.

  2. This reminds me of something Joseph Atwill says on the Powers and Principalities show on the thkelly67 YouTube channel. Essentially, he says that everything coming from mainstream media or official sources should be assumed fake until proven otherwise. Of course, they are not going to lie about easily verifiable things, like traffic and weather.

    In the case of Christine Blasey Ford, at first I thought that she was lying and that the CIA was covering for her somehow, to prevent her from getting charged with perjury or sued for slander. This video makes me wonder, however. She seemed to have unusually baggy skin around her neck for someone her age. The resemblance to Kavanaugh (aside from the neck and other things pointed out in the video) is uncanny. What evidence do we have that Ford is a real person? How many photographs are there of her besides recent ones associated with her testimony? Are they sufficient to convince us that she is real? She is supposedly a psychology professor. If so, where are the videos of her giving lectures? I just looked on YouTube and could not find any videos of her not connected with her testimony. Isn't that odd? Here is a video on the lack of an Internet trail for Blasey-Ford:

  3. He's matched up the nose and mouth well, but the contour of the lateral wall of the orbit not so much.

  4. Colin, I appreciate your desire to steer the Alt-Right in a better direction, but this isn't what I had in mind.

    1. Lighten up, Bob. This is probably the best news story ever.

  5. Before immediately dismissing the possibility that the person who appeared before Congress as "Christine Blasey Ford" was a man, take a look at the picture on Google of "her" taking a polygraph test. To me, the picture looks like nothing other than Brett Kavanaugh in a wig.

    The interesting thing about the picture of her from the polygraph is that, unlike the pictures from her testimony, it is taken from the side, "she" is not wearing glasses, and "her" hair is back a little, so you can see more of "her" face. Look at the picture and tell me it isn't Kavanaugh in a wig!

    During the testimony, "Ford's" skin under her neck was sagging to an unrealistic degree for someone her age. This could have been part of a prosthetic disguise.


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