Sunday 14 October 2018


The fallout from Angela Merkel's insane decision to allow in hordes of fake refugees a few years ago continues to impact on German politics. In the latest instance the Christian Social Union (CSU), the sister party to Angela Merkel's  Christian Democratic Union (CDU), has lost control of Bavaria, at least according to the latest exit polls.

At present the numbers are as follows:

Although the CSU remains the biggest party on 35.5%, it has lost 12 percentage points of the vote from the 2013 election when it won 47.7% and took 101 of the 180 seats (At this election there will be 205 seats).

The biggest winner is the anti-immigrant populist Alternative for Germany Party (AfD) which went from 0% last time (as it did not exist) to 11%. The Greens also did well, adding 10 percentage points to their previous vote. 

At present the Free Voters, a centrist and regionalist populist  party, is ahead of the AfD in third place. They gained 2 percentage points on their previous vote. 

The Social Democratic Party has slumped to fifth place, an embarrassingly bad result for one of the "Big Two" parties in Germany.

It is not yet clear how many seats each party will get in the Bavarian Parliament, but the CSU is sure to lose its majority. This is a big deal, as the CSU only operates in Bavaria and nowhere else in Germany. It's sister party the CDU operates elsewhere in Germany but not in Bavaria. The CSU has been in control of Bavaria since the 1950s. 

Essentially the local Conservative party in the most Conservative part of Germany just got BTFOed because it was too closely associated with Merkel's madness. Recent attempts by the CSU to criticise Merkel and put a little distance between themselves and the CDU seem to have failed. 

The result will probably result in an unpopular coalition government between the CSU and the Free Voters, which will end badly for the latter, as it is essentially a vacuous centrist party whose popularity stems from it presenting itself as a "protest party." 

Once it enters government with the CSU it will lose this advantage and become identified with them, meaning its vote should collapse at the next election. This will help to boost the AfD whose vote should continue to rise. 


The final results are as follows:

CSU 37.2% - 85 seats (-16)
Greens 17.5% - 38 seats (+21)
Free Voters 11.6% - 27 seats (+10)
AfD 10.2% - 22 seats (+22)
SPD 9.7% - 22 seats (-20)
FDP 5.1% - 11 seats (+11)

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