Tuesday 14 August 2018



The anti-immigrant Swedish Democrat Party is now almost certain to win the Swedish general election on September 9th after gangs of "urban youths" made coordinated arson attacks at three locations in Western Sweden, burning around 80 cars.

The Gothenburg police believe the attacks were coordinated on social media. As reported by Voice of Europe:

On Monday evening police received multiple calls from concerned witnesses to the arson of at least 15 cars having been torched by youths in Frölunda square in Gothenburg and in Hjällbo, Expressen reports.

They used molotov cocktails to set fire to the cars. There are an estimated 15 cars as well as a number of tyres set alight. Reports of other arson attacks came from the Kronogården in Trollhättan.

Footage from Frölunda in Gothenburg shows a gang torching car after car. The police received several reports about car fires and young people who were seen running from the site...

“At present, tyres are burning, pallets and there are grass fires inside the area. Rockets and firecrackers are being thrown, so we are waiting for the police to announce that the area is safe,” said Simon Willner, internal officer at the rescue service in Norra Älvsborg. At 11:15pm the rescue service was able to work in the area.

“We have two units in three car fires. The cars were together in a carpark. We are assisting the police,” says rescue chief Hans Dernemyr.

Young people have thrown stones against the police who came to ensure the scheme. They have been masked with hoodies and with caps over the face so you can not easily identify them.

“We have received information that it is about masked youths with hoodies and Adidas jogging bottoms that poured fuel on several cars. We realise that there is a group of between six and eight,” said Ulla Brehm police spokeswoman about the situation in Gothenburg...
Ulla Brehm also stated that witnesses have described ‘dark-haired youngsters’ as having started the fires before fleeing.

Yes, that's the new euphemism -- "dark-haired youngsters," LOL!

These attacks come at an interesting time because the Swedish Democrats, after leading several polls that projected them becoming the biggest party in the Swedish election, slumped in the latest poll to third place behind two of the parties responsible for the multicultural mess. 

Either that new poll was fake, or else constant "gaslighting" by the controlled media about how Swedes must "open their hearts" to migrants so that they could be "better people" must be getting to voters. 

These incidents however serve as a timely reminder of what is at stake for normal Swedes if they don't reassert control of their country and its demographic destiny at the ballot box.

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