Thursday 23 August 2018


Virtually more Spanish than the Spanish.
Spain has kicked out the latest batch of illegal African immigrants who violently broke through its border fence on Wednesday (22nd August). This was despite the fact that these brilliant young men were probably going to fit completely into Spanish society, get jobs as rocket scientists, and help pay the pensions of Spain's rapidly ageing population. 

Surprisingly the young Africans agreed to go quietly. TV images showed them being escorted by Spanish police onto a bus, which then crossed the border back into Morocco.

As reported by Reuters:

Spain sent back to Morocco on Thursday 116 migrants who had stormed the border fence at its Ceuta enclave in North Africa the day before, a Spanish Interior Ministry spokesman said.

Hundreds had attempted to get over the highly fortified border on Wednesday, and 118 made it to Spanish soil. Some of them threw a corrosive substance which left seven police officers with burns.

Police identified the entire group and gave them legal and medical help before starting the process of expelling them, which the migrants accepted, the spokesman said, adding two will be allowed to stay because they are minors.

You know that Spain is doing something right when NGOs like Amnesty International start bleating. The group complained that it was difficult to provide good legal assistance and interpreters, and identify potential asylum seekers in such a short time.

Under a 1992 agreement between Spain and Morocco, Morocco is actually obliged to take back illegal immigrants who have entered Spain from Morocco, if Spain requests this within 10 days of their arrival. 

Illegal African migrants getting ready to meet their new European wives before their stay was sadly cancelled.
However, Spain stopped using this agreement last year, after the European Court of Human Rights ruled that the immediate return of sub-Saharan migrants amounted to a "collective expulsion of foreign nationals" and breached the European Convention on Human Rights. 

It was probably this decision that sparked off the increasingly violent attempts to cross the Spanish border that we have seen since then. So, yeh, ECHR, thanks for that!

Now, with their border guards getting attacked with acid, the Spanish government has decided to tell the ECHR to go f**k itself, even though this might mean a serious shortage of rocket scientists and pension paymets in the future. Yes, it looks like a few "bad eggs" ruined it again for everybody.

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