Friday 24 August 2018


Popular Quebec Conservative Party MP Maxime Bernier has quit the party in what looks like a one-man attempt to set up a REAL Conservative Party. 

Bernier was narrowly defeated in last year's leadership election by the "more moderate" (i.e. "cucky") Andrew Scheer, who is now the party's leader.

As reported by The Globe and Mail:

The Canadian political right is facing its biggest rift since it unified behind the Conservative Party of Canada 15 years ago, with Quebec MP Maxime Bernier vowing to create a new party that threatens to split the movement in the next federal election.

On the first day of the Conservative policy convention in Halifax, the former leadership contender announced he was leaving the CPC and unleashed a scathing attack against Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer, who narrowly beat him in last year’s leadership race.

Standing by himself at a news conference in Ottawa, Mr. Bernier accused Mr. Scheer of being a “moderate” who depends on polls and focus groups to make policy choices.

“I have come to realize over the past year that this party is too intellectually and morally corrupt to be reformed," Mr. Bernier said, vowing that his new party will fight for “more freedom, less government.”

“I am now convinced that what we will get if Andrew Scheer becomes prime minister is just a more moderate version of the disastrous Trudeau government.”

Bernier is the strongest mainstream opponent of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his policy of abject multiculturalism, so it would be great if he could set up a party that could replace the "Cuckservative" Conservative Party with something that was actually right-wing and identiterian. But so far no MPs have followed him to join his still unnamed new party. 

Also, because of Canada's undemocratic electoral system, there is a good chance that any party Bernier sets up will merely play a spoiler role, splitting the opposition vote, and allowing Trudeau's Liberal Party to stay in power.

But essentially Bernier is right in his basic analysis that the present-day "Conservative" Party is not a real opposition to the vile multiculturalist, anti-White, globalist Liberal Party. 

If Canada is to stand a chance it needs a real right-wing party that will defend the core Canadian people. It is not clear if Bernier's proposed party will be the solution, as he is basically a civic nationalist who has gradually radicalised himself on Twitter, where he has been recently tweeting about diversity issues" and what he refers to as Trudeau’s “extreme multiculturalism.” 

But this is the best that Canada has got at the moment, so we wish him well. 

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