Sunday 1 July 2018


Give them a postcard and send them on their way

Matteo Salvini, the leader of the nationalist Lega Party and now the Interior Minister of Italy, responsible for homeland security and immigration, famously said that the hordes of would-be Third Worlders trying to invade Europe would only ever see Italy on a postcard.

Now it looks like a lot more postcards are going to be needed, as the Lega Party has now soared to over 31% in the latest opinion polls, almost doubling its support from March's election, which led to the formation of a coalition government with the more purely populist 5 Star Movement.

Back in March, Lega scored 17.35% of the vote, while 5 Star got 32.68%, which, because of the way the electoral system works, gave the two parties a comfortable majority (352 seats out of 630) even though they had just won slightly over 50% of the vote.

Now, in the latest Ipsos opinion poll, the two parties have 61% of voter support, with Lega now being even more popular than 5 Star, with 31.2% to 29.8%.

As the above graphic shows, most of the increase in Lega support has come from the shrinking support of former Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi's Forza Italia party, essentially a neoliberalist party that used to race bait in order to boost its vote, without, of course, ever dealing with the migrant problem.

The reason for Lega's rise is because Salvini's stint as Interior Minister has been a huge success, with voters loving the hard but fair way he has fought his corner against a system that has been rigged by the globalists for too long to facilitate mass immigration. 

Recently, he was even able to pressure the EU itself into accepting what is basically a "Fortress Europe" approach to Third World immigration, although there is of course still much to do.

Who would have thought it -- a politician and a party actually doing what the voters wanted all along is enjoying a massive boost in popularity! Wow, who would have ever thought that would have happened? Looks like the nationalist cat is now out of the bag in Europe. Time to get those postcard printing presses going and not just for Italy.

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