Sunday 1 July 2018


Democrats are always ready to promote trangenderism as an "identity" and "lifestyle choice" when it triggers the fuck out of Christians and Conservitards, but drop it like a hot brick of shit when it appears on their own watch. This is one conclusion to be drawn from Chelsea Manning's crushing defeat in the Maryland primary election to sitting Democratic Senator Ben Cardin.

Manning got a measly 32,201 (5.7%) of the votes to Cardin's landslide 450,890 (80.4%).

As reported by what should be the pretty unbiased Military Times:

The 30-year-old internationally known transgender former soldier announced her bid for the U.S. Senate back in January.

But her candidacy failed to resonate with many voters in a blue state that’s home to federal employees and defense contractors. Her platform included closing prisons, freeing inmates and eliminating national borders.

Manning’s most successful district was Prince George’s County, where she took 6,453 votes — to Cardin’s 99,725.

Ever the controversial figure, the person formerly known as Bradley Manning was arrested in 2010 and convicted of espionage, for which she spent more than six years behind bars before being granted clemency by former President Barack Obama.

But, really, what gives!?

Signally Leftists and Liberals constantly tell us that transgenderism is the best thing ever since sliced bread, and you can't get a bigger or better "poster child" for transgenderism than Manning. So how can we explain that pathetic 5.7% and the fact that Maryland Dems stuck with a 75-year-old suit-and-tie shill for Zionist interests and the military industrial complex?

On the face of it, this result may look like the exact opposite of the recent primary victory of the young, trendy Hispanic candidate Ocasio-Cortez, who defeated the long-term incumbent in New York. But actually it's not so different. 

In fact, I would even go so far as to say it shows exactly the same dynamic at work in the Democrat party, namely the de-Whiting of what is now principally a party of dying White boomers and rising -- and splintering -- tribalists. 

Maryland's Democratic voters are majority (58%) non-White, mainly Black with some Hispanics. 

There is simply no way a lot of Black or Hispanic voters are going to support someone they see as a fucked-in-the-head "Cracker fruit." Add to this Maryland's Jewish Whites, who support Cardin on their own ethnic tribal grounds, and then throw in the state's heavy economic reliance on the US military, and you can see exactly why Manning's campaign was shot down in a ball of flames.

Young, "virtue-signalling" White SWPLs with no real skin in the game, still make a lot of noise in the Democratic Party, especially on social media. But the numbers here show how little they really count in  Democratic Party politics. 


  1. The Demoncrats do expect the remaining real whites to vote for Manning as a representative of their tribal identity though. Those who refuse will soon be arrested for reactionary thought.

  2. Your Faggot Roommate28 August 2018 at 15:29

    One question: does Manning give head?


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