Monday 2 July 2018


Things just got interesting. A hard-line Marxist Leftist, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador -- known as Amlo to his fans and a complacent media -- has just been elected to the Presidency of Mexico. What's more he did it with a landslide victory, winning 53% of the vote -- more than double the total of his closest rival.

In his acceptance speech, Amlo said he would "forge" a new relationship with the US "rooted in mutual respect and in defense of our migrant countrymen who work and live honestly in that country."

Notice he used the word "honestly" not "legally"? I did.

He also said he would do something about Mexico's rampant corruption:

"We are absolutely certain that this evil is the principle cause of social inequality and of economic inequality. Because of corruption, violence has erupted in our country."

But as he is not a fascist dictator who can string up the main offenders in the market place using piano wire or crush the crime cartels with a fist of steel, feeding their leaders to a pack of dobermans, it seems that he was just going for a feelzy soundbite here.

So, what is the lookout for Mexico and its nervous neighbour to the North?

Firstly, Amlo is not a complete idiot and seemed to do a reasonably good job when he was briefly mayor of Mexico City (2000-2005), giving tax cuts to encourage a construction boom -- obviously something of a mixed blessing in a sprawling mega-city like Mexico City. 

But running a massive. diverse country of 130 million people will be quite a different challenge, especially as the only reason people ever vote for a Socialist candidate is because they are expecting massive "gibs" and other handouts.

For this reason, it seems highly likely that Amlo will end up tanking the Mexican economy, with Mexico going the way of Venezuela. 

Inevitably this will put much greater pressure on the US Southern border as hordes of economic migrants move North, leading to a new immigration crisis and stand-off with Trump.

This is why the Wall, which Trump should have commenced building on Day One, needs to be in place now!

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