Monday 2 July 2018


Alt-Right hanger-on Luke Ford's YouTube channel has been banned from livestreaming for three months after being conned into having ADL/SPLC shills (((Mike Enoch))) and the Daily Stormer's (((Eric Striker))) on his channel. 

Ford Tweeted:

I got my first Youtube strike for my debate with Eric Striker and Mike Enoch and won't be able to livestream on my Youtube account for three months.

This is sad news as Luke is an interesting guy and does good livestreams. But the Alt-Right -- for all its good points -- is defined by extreme naivety about its enemies and openness to infiltration and sabotage by them, which is exactly what the (((Anglin)))-(((Enoch)))-(((Weev))) axis is all. 

Right from the start these characters and their associates worked to turn the soft commitment to free speech of corporate tech into an increasingly rigid and stifling censorship in order to serve their dark masters. 

Whether it was organising Twitter mobs with death camp memes and rape threats to attack a UK Jewish MP or coining genocidal catchphrases and funny songs about gassing Jews, they did all they could to give companies like Twitter, Google, YouTube, and Facebook the easy excuses they needed to shut down, shadowban, demonetise, or severely restrict any nationalist or identitarian free speech.

How did they manage to con the Alt-Right? Simple -- by offering admittedly funny and clever content mixed in with 1990s WN Jew-obsessed Naziism, and pretending that they were just being "ironic," and that 1488 was a great way to get a healthy identitarian message across. 

It wasn't and never will be, and accordingly the well of the Alt-Right was well and truly poisoned.

Now Luke Ford is learning the same lesson that idiots like Greg Johnson and Richard Spencer are still slowly learning -- that sailing too close to the wind with Nazitards like Enoch, Streicher, Weev, Anglin, etc., is merely setting yourself up for an easy hit by the SPLC and ADL who must be bankrolling this lovely operation and possibly paying for Enoch's ever-expanding liquor bill.


  1. WOW Trad News is describing Luke Ford as "an interesting guy." Yet he abandoned his white Christian heritage to become Chosen. So if anyone should be avoided, it's him. Yes, Anglin is a clown. But his website is getting the most hits among all the Alt-Right sites. So I think it's a mistake to assume that Anglin and Enoch are working for the Jew. They have other motivations, such as getting hits and viewership.

    1. He chose the Chosen! Wow, does that mean he's God?

  2. I think Liddell doesn't understand how things work in the USA. TRS and TDS and yes, Richard Spencer and Greg Johnson, are converting normies - its what tipped the election over to Trump.

    This ain't Britain, dude. It's a different world here. It's cool if you think this approach doesn't work on your side of the Atlantic. But it does here.


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