Monday 9 July 2018


Britain's Crypto-Remainer, pro-Soft-Brexit Prime Minister Theresa May is now hanging onto power by her finger tips, after a rebellion by Hard Brexiters in her own Conservative Party flared up overnight. 

The rebellion was sparked by May's attempt at a Cabinet summit over the weekend to clarify and unite her Party's formerly nebulous position on a Brexit deal with the EU. 

All government ministers had to agree to a common position, which we at Trad News correctly predicted would soon fall apart -- and fall apart it did, but even sooner than we anticipated as two government ministers resigned while most people were in their beds. 

Hero Davis.
Even worse, one of them was the actual Minister for Brexit, David Davis, a key leader of the Hard Brexit faction in the Party and a politician widely seen to have lots of honesty and integrity. With his departure, the government looses almost all the credibility it had.

Calls are now mounting for a vote of confidence by Conservative backbenchers.

As reported by the pro-Brexit Daily Express:

Letters are being lodged with Graham Brady, Chairman of the influential 1922 Committee, ahead of a Tory Party showdown on Monday. The fallout comes amid mounting fury from disgruntled Conservative backbenchers following publication of Mrs May’s 12-point Brexit manifesto. Leave MPs are furious at what they see as Mrs May’s caving in to demands from the Remain wing of the party to steer Britain towards a soft Brexit....

The Prime Minister is set to address all 316 Tory MPs on Monday, but rebels would need 48 MPs to try launch a challenge.

If 48 letters are received by Mr Brady, Mrs May would be forced to stand down and fight a leadership contest. Mr Brady is believed to be six letters short of the required number of letters to trigger a vote...

What is going on now is a very complicated political game, with May receiving support from Conservative beta orbiters White-knighting for her, while Hard Brexiters weigh up their chances of unseating May. 

If they call a vote of confidence and May wins, then they will be unable to call another vote of confidence for a year according to the Conservative Party constitution, so they don't want to fuck that up and allow her lame duck Premiership to continue for another year.

Bojo waiting in the wings?
What is sure is that May has been a weak and unpopular leader, maintained in power merely by female privilege, and that when she goes the party will be split between Europhiles and Europhobes. 

Whichever major party figure can then manoeuvre himself into position as a "grey" compromise candidate will then most likely become the next Prime Minister. 

At the moment, the Foreign Minister Boris Johnson is showing every sign of trying to position himself as such a candidate, following a line that signals equally to Soft Brexiters and Hard Brexiters. 

1 comment:

  1. Can I paint a realistic picture of the situation? Not that I wish to interrupt the propaganda directed at the rank-and-file, but I just want to be sure that the thought leaders are not high on their own supply here.

    1) The Chequers Plan is what was imposed by the Owners of society upon both the UK and the EU apparatchiks back in November, namely, the UK exiting the EU politically then continuing to be aligned to the common market in all but name. This was a done deal that was merely waiting for the Withdrawal Bill to be passed in order to announce.

    2) The Brexiteers are not going to the mat over this now, but rather are positioning themselves to depose May if things go sour - such as an EU backslide from current terms towards a Punishment Brexit. With the exception of JRM and Nigel Farage, none of the other "names" are PM material, and neither of those two could navigate through the parliamentary party to become PM. Perhaps after a Labour government, they would be ready to fight and win an election to get the top job with that all important legitimacy.

    3) From our standpoint, the real fight is not over Brexit, which is in all but the finest points, complete, but the existence of a hostile entity on the Continent! Is this not what Napoleon, WWI, and WWII were fought over? If the EU is this arrogant now, without a substantial military option, how arrogant are they going to be when they get one?

    They fought for, and almost got, a Punishment Brexit! I'm sorry, no. This cannot be overlooked or allowed to stand. Anglo policy must harden against the EU to the point of war. Trump, Putin and as many European parties as they can muster must prepare for a decapitation strike on the EU. The unthinkable must become thinkable again.

    It baffles me that the US was tricked into nursing it great rivals (China and the EU) into existence, and now the "old gang" has to get back together - the Anglos and Russia, to restore safety. A Northern Alliance, with an emblematic Bering Strait bridge, must be the geopolitical project of this movement - then on to space.


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