Sunday 8 July 2018


Deluded Brit normies are celebrating the fact that their government has been wasting their tax money in stupid overseas wars that have fuck all to do with British interests simply because a dog was involved.

The celebrations were sparked by a news story in the click-baity, globalist Daily Mail, which mentioned that a killer SAS dog had been used to rip out the throats of random Arabs in Syria:

An SAS team was saved after a brave military dog fought off a jihadi who attacked a patrol in northern Syria. The unnamed Belgian Malinois, a fierce breed of sheepdog known for its bravery, had been out on a routine patrol with a team of six crack soldiers from the SAS.

They had just entered a small village in a convoy of armoured vehicles when they got out to continue the recce on foot. But soon after they left the safety of the convoy, they were attacked on all sides by waiting jihadis in what was described as a '360 degree ambush'.

The SAS men returned fire but the jihadis began closing in and tried to outflank them. The animal was said to have leapt to the defence of the struggling British soldiers, tearing the throat of on gunman who was firing at the patrol. It then turned on two other jihadis, leaving them seriously injured before the other six ambushers all fled...

The incident was said to have taken place two months ago, but details of the dog's bravery can only be made public now for security reasons. 'His throat had been torn out and he had bled to death,' the source continued, 'There was also a lump of human flesh in one corner and a series of blood trails leading out of the back of the building.

'The dog was virtually uninjured. The SAS were able to consolidate their defensive position and eventually break away from the battle without taking any casualties.'
 The SAS commander in charge of the patrol credited the dog with directly saving the lives of all six of the men.   

Brilliant! "Jihadi" by the way is British army code for "unindentified raghead that we shot at." But never mind that. The only important thing is that the British public are suckers for any story with a dog in it.

Here are some of the moronic but entirely predictable comments it generated under article:

nildesperandum101 from Sheffield, United Kingdom quipped:

Somebody buy that dog a massive juicy steak! 

While JenniferJane from Harrogate added:

To be killed by a haram dog is the ultimate irony, and justice.

Geezus from London also wanted in on the shit-tier normie echo chamber:

well done dog but sure the taste was foul!!!

Interesting that none of these comments, which are ALL moderated by the Daily Mail, are regarded as "hate speech" simply because "muh military."

My guess is that the people savaged by this hound were just locals who didn't take too kindly to having uninvited guests in their village, and they certainly had a lot more right to be there than a patrol of SAS thugs and their pet thousands of miles from home. 

Whoever they were -- local tribesmen, ISIS guerillas, or just angry shepherds -- the ongoing conflict in Syria has fuck all to do with the UK, and is well on its way to being resolved by the advances made by President Assad's forces and their legitimate allies. 

UK forces are just there to waste tax money and play a spoiler role, along with their US allies. Together they are literally propping up a Marxist Kurdish state in the North of the country that routinely engages in oppressive actions against the local Arab population, merely to serve the interests of Israel.

But thanks to the tensions created by the UK's fucked up immigration policy and the lies constantly pumped out by the nation's globalist press, low-IQ normie Brits think a dog ripping out a random Arab's throat thousands of miles from home is a great way to spend their tax pounds.

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