Sunday 24 June 2018


There can be no denying it. The Saudi government is making a major PR push to improve its image. In fact, considering how bad the desert kingdom's public image is there is plenty they could do to improve things.

How about NOT bombing and starving Yemeni civilians

Or how about "rethinking" the stoning of women to death for being adultery and slapping their domestic servants to death (even when they're on holiday)? 

Or just maybe they could stop flying in Instagram models and paying them to be shat on

Let's face it, they could change almost anything they do and it would be an improvement. But, instead, as a cheap sop to shrill Western feminists, they do the one thing that actually makes things worse -- they allow women to drive. 

Progress, motherfucker!

Here is the "ever-reliable" CNN on this "landmark" day for women:

Women in Saudi Arabia can legally get behind the wheel of a car for the first time Sunday as the kingdom lifts its longstanding ban on women driving.

The end of the controversial ban brings the ultra-conservative Gulf nation into line with the rest of the world.

It also represents the culmination of years of campaigning by activists who have sometimes been arrested and imprisoned for their efforts.

The step will free many women from the constraints of needing to use public transportation or hire a male driver to travel even small distances, allowing many more to join the workforce.

Hiring women is a key part of Saudi Arabia's ambitious plan to overhaul its economy, known as Vision 2030. The reform agenda is being spearheaded by Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman.

Great, now they will be able to drive to their pole-dancing jobs before getting stoned to death the next day!

Of all the things the Saudis could do to change their image, this was the dumbest. Let me tell you why. First it increases the number of inexperienced drivers. Second it introduces to the roads of the kingdom that most dangerous four-wheeled creature known to man -- a woman behind a steering wheel.  And thirdly because of this: 

How a Saudi man views the road:

How a Saudi woman views the road:

Luckily Saudi Arabia is a vast treeless waste filled with soft sand that can soften a lot of extremely bad driving.

That could possibly minimise some of the carnage that this crap PR move could cause. Not sure if that's a good thing or not, LOL.

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