Sunday 24 June 2018


Shaqiri: hate gesture

The soccer World Cup has turned into a "political football" after two "hate-filled" Albanian Supremacists used goal-scoring celebrations to make crude political points and insult their opponents on Friday (22nd June). 

Making this even more surprising is the fact that the two players concerned weren't even playing for Albania, which has never qualified for the World Cup. Instead they were playing for Switzerland against Serbia!!!

The two players, Xherdan Shaqiri and Granit Xhaka, both of whom are of Albanian ethnicity, made Albanian Supremacist gestures with their hands to taunt the Serbian team after scoring their goals. 

As reported by the communist BBC:

Serbia has hit out at a "provocative" double eagle celebration by two ethnic Albanian goalscorers in the World Cup.

Granit Xhaka and Xherdan Shaqiri scored for Switzerland who beat Serbia 2-1.

Their gesture is a nationalist symbol representing the double headed eagle on Albania's national flag. Critics say it could inflame tensions among Serbian nationalists and ethnic Albanians.

Albanian leaders applauded the pair. A pro-government Serbian newspaper said they had "humiliated" Switzerland.

The celebration has brought political tensions in the Balkans on to the World Cup stage.

BBC Monitoring reports that in Serbia, pro-government newspaper Informer used a derogatory term for Albanians, saying "the Albanian clan within 'clockmakers' team was sending poisoned arrows weeks before, so the match couldn't pass without a provocation".

The gestures were especially insulting, as Albanians are Muslims who have operated historically as a kind of Fifth Column in Europe, assisting invaders like the Ottoman Turks, and displacing Serbs from their historical homelands.

"Racist" Shaqiri taunts Serbs by showing off the physique of the Supreme Albanian Superman.

Xhaka and Shaqiri's families are Albanians from Kosovo, a traditional Serbian territory that has been ethnically cleansed by Albanian terrorists backed up by NATO since 1999. 

Commenting on Shaqiri's loyalties and the fact that he wears a Swiss flag on one boot and a Kosovan one on the other, the Serbian striker Aleksandar Mitrovic asked: 

"If he loves Kosovo so much and decides to flaunt the flag, why did he refuse a chance to play for their team?"

The "double eagle" celebrations of Xhaka and Shaqiri meant that Switzerland was not competing as Switzerland but was instead participating in insulting a victim of Muslim and US aggression. 

This incident underlines the increasing meaningless of the World Cup as an arena for national teams, as many Western European teams, like Switzerland, have been colonised by players whose loyalties clearly remain elsewhere.

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